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Updated at 2024-06-12 00:11:04



This is a timeline of all things "Who". This is the best way to watch 50 years of Who, however if you prefer to jump ahead to the New Series then begin with #51, and you can remove any additional spinoffs if you fancy yourself a purist. The timeline is by no means definitive but I have consulted a variety of sources for its accuracy and canonical merit. Please comment on any changes you might suggest.

Shows Included:
Doctor Who (1963) + Specials & Extras
K9 & Company (1981) Spinoff
Wartime (1987) Spinoff
P.R.O.B.E. (1994) Spinoff
Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans (1994) Spinoff
Downtime (1995) Spinoff
Auton Trilogy (1997-99) Spinoff
Daemos Rising (2004) Spinoff
Doctor Who Movie (1996)
Doctor Who Webcasts (2002-03)
Doctor Who (2005) All Episodes, Specials, Webisodes, Tardisodes, Prequels, and Mini-Episodes
Torchwood (2006) Spinoff & Webisodes
Sarah Jane Adventures (2007) Spinoff & Specials
K-9 (2009) Spinoff


Christmas and New Years are a special time for fans of Doctor Who. This is a complete list of these episodes , as of October 28, 2022


Mini-sodes which depict present-day adventures with the characters that hark back to the adventures contained in the sets they were produced to market.


When Doctor Who was revived back in 2005, it was with writer Russell T. Davies running the show. And, frankly, it was some of the best television I had ever watched. I'd never really been into much sci-fi, and I'd never watched any of the classic series, but with Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper, I was drawn to it. I felt like I'd finally been invited into the world of science fiction geekism. And I was very comfortable there.

The writing of Russell T. Davies was astonishing. For its aptitude, its self-deprecation, its emotion and its wit, Doctor Who became one of the best television shows on air. Sadly, when his last episode aired in 2010, I felt that the show changed. I'm not saying Steven Moffat is terrible, but I certainly don't feel the same affection for the show as I once did.

So, below is a list of what I consider the ten greatest Doctor Who stories told under Davies' reign, from 2005 until 2010. To clarify, they don't necessarily need to have been written by Davies himself, but they need to have aired while he was showrunner. I have also counted two/three-parters as one story, earning them one place on this list.


Kvalitetsmedia att inte förglömma.


This is a timeline of all things "Who". This is the best way to watch 50 years of Who, however if you prefer to jump ahead to the New Series then begin with #51, and you can remove any additional spinoffs if you fancy yourself a purist. The timeline is by no means definitive but I have consulted a variety of sources for its accuracy and canonical merit. Please comment on any changes you might suggest.

Shows Included:
Doctor Who (1963) + Specials & Extras
K9 & Company (1981) Spinoff
Wartime (1987) Spinoff
P.R.O.B.E. (1994) Spinoff
Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans (1994) Spinoff
Downtime (1995) Spinoff
Auton Trilogy (1997-99) Spinoff
Daemos Rising (2004) Spinoff
Doctor Who Movie (1996)
Doctor Who Webcasts (2002-03)
Doctor Who (2005) All Episodes, Specials, Webisodes, Tardisodes, Prequels, and Mini-Episodes
Torchwood (2006) Spinoff & Webisodes
Sarah Jane Adventures (2007) Spinoff & Specials
K-9 (2009) Spinoff


Every Classic Doctor Who story ranked, starting from the 1963 story "An Unearthly Child" and ending with the 1996 TV Movie. Note: the last episode from every story has been chosen to represent the entire story. All episodes are given the same rating and my review of the story is found in the comments section of the final episode (usually episode 4 or 6).
