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Zardoz 1974

It is a science fiction fable.

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Actually you can watch the full movie free here:

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One of the most perplexingly awful films I've ever seen, how this was even made in the first place is a mystery in and of itself. Multiple people looked at this script during production and said "aye sure, we'll make that" But you know what? I'm glad they did. it's so terrible it'll haunt you.

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I love Sean Connery but this movie hasn’t aged well. Still worth a peek.

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Misunderstood brutal stumbles upon a world much higher in power than hes ever known. Also, lots of Sean Connery in tight red shorts. It's not a bad movie per se, but it tries way too hard to achieve what it wants, and just falls flat

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See Sean Connery in a red diaper is a trauma. All in all the ideas behind the film are interesting . However they are aged badly with the passing years .

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