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Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 2018

Cheesy as usual for a DCOM film, but the songs are catchy and it's definitely not the worst one I've watched. Has a nice message about acceptance.

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What a beautiful trainwreck of a movie. It’s a Zombie film that takes cheerleading way too serious. So, exactly what you would expect from a DCOM about Zombies, I suppose.

It has all the glorious Disney Channel clichés and feels like somebody made a zombie potpourri out of Romeo and Juliet and Bring It On and it’s gorgeous. It’s over the top, bad wigs, preppy pop songs and the most hilarious evil cheerleader villain ever.

The leads are surprisingly likeable and have good chemistry.

I‘m kinda in love with how dumb it is. And relatively self-aware.

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New Disney movie about necrophilia?

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Maybe it's because I'm from the High School Musical generation, and I judge every new Disney musical movie based on that, but this movie was all around terrible.

The story was completely lame and really boring, the acting not very good, not even the choreographs could save the musical numbers. And don't even get me started about the songs. Not even a single one was the slightest bit good, AND THEY REPEATED THEM THROUGHOUT THE MOVIE!!!

Worst movie ever, basically.

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Predictable movie but it was refreshing to see a male bitchy cheerleader

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You know what I'll honestly say it had a strong opening. It got way to saccharine at the end. I was legitimately interested in the "drama" between Zed and Addison. They were interesting character even though the premise is so shallow you couldn't drown a fly in it. They had solid chemistry and decent writing. About half way the movie seemed to run out of steam and just sat back on it's laurels.

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