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You Won't Be Alone 2022

wow, what a fantastic movie! its not really a horror movie but rather a drama with a horror theme. creepy for sure. but also very atmospheric and beautiful. It kinda reminded me of Mother! (2017). Its a unique experience and i recommend it for everyone who likes the horrific and aesthetic.

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I don't have words to express how much I liked this movie. The narrative, the imagery, just perfect.

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The witchcraft tale is the cover to reflect on humanity in a patriarchal environment, a story of witches that explores the discovery of the ability to become human. And even a reflection on the discovery of one's own body and gender identity, as queer as Goran Stolevski next film, "Of an age" (2022). But it is this diversity of reflective layers that enriches the poetics of the story.

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Fantastic, Everything you want from a Folk Horror; Indigenous story, timeless & rich traditional culture, yet still feels fresh and modern.

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It's creepy, it's surreal, its Captivating, it's disturbing and many more things. Talking about Maria, I feel so bad about her. She just had a simple wish like everyone but instead received nothing but despair. This explains her scorn toward every human....Overall one of the best portrayel of a Witch I've ever scene in a movie....

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It was a different kind of witch story but was pretty good.

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Definitely worth watching for the riveting cinematography and charming atmosphere, although a little dreary at times, constantly suffering from the fact that the artsy doodles with Malik-inspired voiceovers are often more impactful than the plot itself. The mood suggests a folk horror story similar to “The Witch”, but it was actually much closer to a contemplative human drama that reconstructs the rural life and society in the Balkans.

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I really wanted to like this...but it was a bit of a chore to finish. The concept seemed interesting and I saw Noomi Rapace was in it...but this ended up feeling like Terrance Malick remaking The VVitch with a budget of $83 and Rapace showing up for a glorified cameo role. It's very artsy and has some striking moments, but I found it hard to connect to it. And I usually like pretentious art-house stuff. But this didn't do much for me.

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It’s a burning, breaking thing. This world.

This is more of a folk drama with horror elements than a straight horror movie. A young mute girl goes on a haunting journey of understanding what it means to be a human.

So far this is my favourite movie of the year, but it's def not for everyone. I would say it's somewhat like The Witch (old folk horror witch tale) and The Lighthouse (4:3 ratio and some gruesome scenes). If you don't like those movies you probably won't like this one.

The story is amazing, the actors are great, and the score and the cinematography are mesmerising.

Cons: The ''Freddy Krueger'' witch needed a better makeup and a crispier voice. CGI was not great in the burning scene and the axe attack scene was hilariously BAD. I think all of that fixed plus some more dialogue would make this movie 10/10 for me.

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Folk horror at it's best! It's quite gruesome and graphic. Beautiful visuals.

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This is what truly powerful horror feels like! Hands down one of the best horror films in recent memory…

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A captivating yet disturbing folk tale which explores many aspects of the human condition through a perspective of a shapeshifting witch. The concept reminds me a lot of Shudder's All the Moons. In that film, it's about a vampire instead but the concept is executed in its simplest form possible and the story unfolds in a way I don't expect. That's what makes it so effective to me. This film is similar in approach but my main problem with this is that it tries to add so many different layers by making the lead play with so many human suits, it ends up making this film feel repetitive at points and less effective overall. Because it leans more towards drama with some horror elements in it, whenever it attempts to be creepy it always comes off as silly to me. That said, I still like this very much. I like the performances, the landscapes, the tenderness of it and I appreciate it for what it tried to do. I definitely recommend.

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