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Yes, Madam! 1985

Watch this movie for Michelle Yeoh, ended up actually enjoying it. Thank God for '80s Hong Kong action movie

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Michelle Yeoh and Cynthia Rothrock are not to be taken lightly. These two can kick with the best of them.

Yes, Madam is a funny, Hong Kong action flick starring two bad ass Women and a thin plot. But the plot is enough to keep you interested. You have 3 goons, the bad guys and two ass-kicking police officers. The three goons are played by John Shum, Mang Hoi and Tsui Hark. They are called in order: Strepsil, Asprin and Panadol, amazing right? They accidentally steal a secret microfilm that bad guy Mr. Tin (James Tien) needs to have destroyed. The guy who had the microfilm originally is murdered by a lackey of Mr. Tin. So our ass-kicking inspectors Yeoh and Rothrock are after the murders. And during that we have loads of humor, great action and a epic final 15 minutes.

Yes, Madam is short and sweet and the first one in the Line of Duty franchise. (I've only seen the Donny Yen one). It did enough for me to want to see more of these two action heroes. If you haven't seen this one, what are you waiting for!

Ps. Michelle Yeoh always looks gorgeous right?

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As with most Hong Kong movies of the time, the plot of Yes, Madam leaves some to be desired, but you can't say anything negative about the action and stunts. Highly choreographed, as always, and very well executed by Michelle Yeoh, Cynthia Rothrock, and all the rest.

The thing that kicks Yes, Madam out of the highest tier of HK cinema, is the fact that the plot is very convoluted, and tends to focus on the wrong characters a lot of the time.

No matter how you look at it, Yes, Madam is a fun watch. Especially at the end.

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Cynthia Rothrocks debut movie and in that a teamup with Michelle Yeoh, how great is that pls, and like many 90'es martial arts movies it's all about the last act and this one slays.

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