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WWE Money in the Bank 2017 2017

Women's Money in the Bank: Awesome match, disappointing ending. Strike one against the Womens division.
New Day vs Usos: Very sloppy match, seemed both teams were off and missing a lot of moves and having to improvise.
Naomi vs Lana: Lana is a wrestler? All I saw was a full moon. Strike two against the Womens division tonight.
Jindar Mahal vs. Randy Orton: Very good match.
Breezango vs The Ascension: Dud
Money in the Bank: It was an ok match with some awesome moments. But man I have never liked Baron Corbin. He needs to shave his head, he looks terrible with long hair with the amount of hair loss he has. He looks ridiculous.

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Still better than the last couple of Raw ppvs despite being the weakest Smackdown one in a while. Due to mostly predictable matches. Memorable moments.: Make Money in Bank since the women one was disappointing due to James Ellsworth. Mike Bennett and Maria debut. Lana wrestling was actually pretty good. Not just due to her wrestling in a thong.
I rather see her champ over Naomi or Carmella.
New Day vs Usos wasn't a bad match I guess. I am tired of both teams though. Since creative and Vince gave up American Alpha already. Yet have pushed Usos and New Day on us for years now. Thug Usos, overly upbeat Usos...who cares I'm tired of them.
While Mahal retained the same way he has won all his recent matches. With help from the Sihra Brothers. It was also predictable he would win. Since Mr. America John Cena will return on 4th of July. To defend us from the foreigner of course. Like he always does.
Was nice to see someone fresh win Money in the Bank. Even if Corbin being the winner was the rumor for weeks now. So he of course was the winner.

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