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Worth 2021

Fantastic performances, great emotional stories but not with too much pathos. The development of the protagonist from a "my formula does it all" technocrat to someone who learns to listen and care and also has the power to change the parameters was nice but believable, thanks to another outstanding performance by Keaton.

This movie certainly deserves a greater audience than it had.

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Interesting angle and surprising that it got turned around in the end especially considering the events of 2020/2021. .

“The fund has faced recent financial problems, including a spike in the number of claims ahead of its December 2020 expiration date.

In February, the fund's administrator, Rupa Bhattacharyya, announced there was "insufficient funding" to "pay all current and projected claims at the same levels as under current policies and procedures" and said future claims would only be paid a fraction of their prior value.”

Moral of the story, people can come around but staying there is a whole other matter.

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This could be a great movie with amazing acting but it was not. The script fails at presenting a touching story because it only focuses on some but not without depth. I found it shallow but interesting.

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Something to watch. The perspective of US capitalism to give value to life is interesting.

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Being in the UK, there were aspects of 9/11 that I never considered, including the events depicted in this film. It’s an interesting watch and while I never understood some of the number crunching, I was glad to be given insight into the politics that take place after such a tragedy.

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Although the story of the victims is present, they remain in the background compared to a point of view that focuses on the protagonist's awareness process. The director balances the resources of emotion with the research process through a basically honest character, but the ethics proposed aims to resolve the conflicts of the past from the critical gaze of the present. And that hinders the account of the events.

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Shout by Deleted

I cried. I don’t know why.

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A good watch, creates an air introspection and pushes a sense of justice.

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