One of the best documentary I've ever seen. It opens a recent and near world next to ours, but that we feel distant. Really emotional and powerful.
It shows how real heroes live in the real world.

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This is literally the best documentary ever made on the most amazing subject matter. It is so powerful that it has made me post my first comment ever, my account is from like 2013... Should be a compulsory movie in every school in the world, maybe that way the world will become a better place...

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Fuck, just realized this existed today. Pretty eerie.

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If you want to know more about what's happening right now, watch this. You won't regret it. Слава Україні!

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Brave and great Ukrainian people

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I am Ukrainian and I claim that this movie is complete propaganda

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propaganda piece. completely glosses over the nationalist right-wing involvement in the riots and the sniper massacre provocation. a chilling early scene of people chanting "glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes" is more reminiscent of a nuremberg rally than a protest, proof of how a legitimate protest by "people who don't care about politics" easily turns to those with the easiest answers, ie fascists. it'd be interesting to see the member of the jewish defence unit interact with Svoboda Party neonazis, but of course this not the filmmaker's intent. again, well made propaganda piece, but calling it a "documentary" is a joke.

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[Netflix] A sensationalist documentary about the riots in Maiden's Square that forgets about the important participation of the Azov Battalion, a group of neo-Nazi sympathizers that later became part of the National Guard of Ukraine. Despite its good technical quality, it is a manipulative film that offers a one-way point of view, very much in keeping with the official Western narrative about Ukraine.

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