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Wind River 2017

HOLY. SHIT. LOVE THIS MOVIE. I went into this thing knowing only that it was by "the Hell or High Water guy" and that it was in the 80s on RT. That's it. 10 minutes in I leaned over to my friend and said, "This movie is AWESOME." And guess what? It stayed that way the entire running time. It could have kept on going and going and going. Jeremy Renner, best role. Elizabeth Olsen, fucking spectacular. Hmm, maybe I should rewatch Hurt Locker to say best role, but lemme tell ya they all crush crush crush it. See! This! Movie!!

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This movie has a slow pace to it that's necessary for you to understand the slow atmosphere of the people, environment, and culture of the Wind River people. This movie has a subtle synchrony with nature (human, animal, and "mother") that serves well from reflection after the movie is over. A pretty simple storyline we've seen before, but I definitely enjoyed this one.

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Shout by Heimdall
BlockedParent2019-10-05T23:24:54Z— updated 2021-08-16T03:45:37Z

There was something about this that compelled me to watch it again so I saw it with a couple a friends and as the credits rolled we just sat there in utter silence for what felt like a long time until one of us spoke.
There are very few movies that does that.
Everything about this is close to cinematic perfection, Olsen and Renner are magnificent, the cinematography is breathtaking and the whole thing just grabs you by the throat and doesn't let go.
The portrayal of male grief is just so fucking spot on it hurts.
An underrated masterpiece.

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Wonderful movie..
I enjoyed every minute..
<3 <3 <3 ..

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An engaging mystery-thriller, with a well-crafted, satisfying plot, great cinematography, intense action sequences and excellent acting performances.

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I did not like Hell or High Water or Sicario that much but this is a winner. I´d go even as far as saying it was one of the best in 2017. It is good to know that those kind of movie are still made and by that I mean original script, real life actors and real locations.

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Fair detective movie based on (or inspired by) true story but to be honest I don't understand so high rating on many webs. There is no special mysterious plot or ending. Classic detective movie with dark atmosphere. The movie had definitely more potential and could be better but still solid one. You won't be disappointed. Just don't expect anything mysterious about that.

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This is a hidden gem, no one knows about this movie never advertised or promoted. Great movie, totally worth your watching, is is a slow burning but the landscape and story captivastes you from the beginning. Olsen and Renner have great chemistry and they are excellent on their roles. The script is worth it and the sudden shootout is delivered fantastic.
The ending is very satisfied.

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Words can't explain how I enjoyed that movie. 20 minutes gone and I gave up the movie and start fading out. That's the only sad thing about it i's really slow burn but I enjoyed the plot.

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Great script and great actors make a great movie.

The plot is as described, saying anything more would be a spoiler...

You should put this on your "have to watch" list.

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Good movie but disturbing at the end. Guess that's what I should expect from a crime drama but this one got in my mind.

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Great story, script, and acting. Bravo.

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Martin: "How did he go out?"

Cory Lambert: "With a whimper"

I, just like most people, first heard of 'Wind River' from the Sundance Film Festival. It received glowing reviews and even got a 8 minutes standing at Cannes. Sometimes I question if a movie with this much praise behind it can live up to your expectations you set yourself for. I think it did.

This is one chilling and haunting movie. By the end you feel drained and in a deep state of reflection from your experience.

With the stunning cinematography, terrifying score, fully developed characters, and Taylor Sheridan brilliant direction made the overall atmosphere a cold blizzard. That ends so satisfying.

Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, and Graham Greeneis are absolutely outstanding in this. Not a weak performance in sight, from everyone else. I'm surprised there's no award talk about Renner and Greeneis during this Oscar season. Renner playing the tough, but broken bad-ass with a painful history was compelling to watch.

Not as great like 'Sicario' and 'Hell or High Water', but still a strong directed movie from Taylor Sheridan.

Overall rating: The alternate version of 'The Snowman', just more Western.

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It always bugs me when I think a movie has a political undertone. This movie does. It also isn't particularly original, even if it is based on a true story story. But, it's a pretty good movie all the same. It's pretty, and well done. Very enjoyable.

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Not sure why this film is so highly praised. It's a run of the mill film with typical plot & acting. I didnt feel anything for these characters,I kept waiting for something memorable to happen & it never did.

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Surprised this hasn't gotten the same buzz as Sheridans previous films. IMO this is on par with both of them. Excited for whatever he does next.

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Great movie. A little bit of a slow burn but the payoff is definitely worth it. Elizabeth Olsen and Jeremy Renner are both fantastic. Taylor Sheridan has another winning script with this one. That makes him 3/3 with Hell or High Water and Sicario being the other 2. I can't wait to see what he does next.

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It's not often I don't know what to say...

Wind River is a movie you just have to see. There's not much else to say.

Renner and Olsen give the performance of a lifetime in a story that is so well written, directed and shot, that it rendered me speechless.

I bow to you, Mr. Sheridan. Very well done!!!

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Yeah, this movie makes you feel what is to miss someone...

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I saw this good movie tonight. A timely movie, made better by Jeremy Renner's performance. Although I am a little disappointed that, in order to bring the audiences into the theatres, they had to cast white "A" listers so this important native story could be heard. Hopefully the people that see this movie will become more aware of the greater reality behind this work of fiction. This is not a new reality. But, beyond the message, this is also a good story - well told, well performed. I give this film a 7 (both good and important) out of 10. [Thriller, Crime, Action]

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This was a remarkable movie. Great story line and character development. I highly recommend it!

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We are living in a world that's f****d up and this movie reminds me that fact.

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The Marlin 45-70 shall be mine

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For some reason, I really like this movie. It's harsh, faithful and satisfying in a way.

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Really solid crime story here. Very smartly written; all the performances were great. Especially Elizabeth Olsen. Probably her best performance since Martha Marcy May Marlene.

Taylor Sheridan has written three great movies and this was a very strong directorial debut. I can't wait to see what's next for him, because thus far he's been killing it.

I'm really glad they didn't go the serial killer route. It was just a terrible set of circumstances and some downright evil decisions made by some drunk guys. Nothing premeditated, no connection to the death of Jeremy Renner's daughter, no super creepy killer who stalks the police, just a really sad and fucked up situation. And that really speaks to the nature of the problem in the rez- it's not there are some particularly evil Indians killing the women - it's that there are just a litany of problems that are stacked against the population every single day, and they often combine to create deadly situations.

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1st play (10 March 2018): English
2nd play (25 March 2023): English
3rd play (2 April): French Dub

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Wind River is a great thriller that explores the realities of life on a Native American reservation. With impressive cinematography and a powerful performance by Jeremy Renner, the film delivers an emotional story of loss, grief, and justice. The pacing is well-balanced, and the tension builds steadily throughout, culminating in a thrilling finale.

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Such a beautiful and skillfully crafted film. Has that "Hostiles" (2017) vibe all over it, while still being absolutely original, and full of sensitivity. I don't know, man, it's just one of those movies that I will keep on revisiting every couple of years.

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Atmospheric, well paced, had shock and disgust factor, good acting. Was only 1 hour 40min too. Really liked this!

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I liked how the story is pretty direct. There are no "plot twists" or things to wonder. There are no meaningless scenes too. It's not an "original" story, but I think it is cool because of that, because it is a thing that can happen in real life and it actually tells that it happened. You can feel the emotions the characters go through, the final message too. That's why I gave an 8 to a "simple" movie like this.

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such a great movie I've said it once and I'll say it again I'm always a sucker for a good crime drama / mystery story

set in a snowy frontier

The atmosphere the music the dialogue the tone everything is just perfectly lined up to set the stage for a great little personal story of revenge and resolution

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"Hawkeye" and "Scarlet Witch" collaborate to clarify a death on an Indian reservation with cold, silence and snow. It has been good with a great interpretation of the leads

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Jeremy Renner is bad ass as a hunter/tracker. Who is helping track the down the rapers of a woman found dead.

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Wyoming is the best part of the film. Some tense moments but meh

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this movie is good, slow paced one. and boring too.

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Watched this for the second time tonight. Wind River is a very bleak and depressing movie. It's about heartbreaks and sorrow. Certainly not a date movie or something you should watch while enjoying the night with friends. However, it offers great acting, some beautiful scenery and above all, something to think about afterwards. I consider this to be a small time thriller with huge themes. 8,5 -> 9.

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Loved the movie, very well directed and well played.

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A movie that touches on the themes of grief, trauma, the native American experience, and the power of connection with both empathy and honesty. Worth seeing if only for the scene between Mr. Renner and Mr. Birmingham. You'll know it when you feel it.

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Well, this is awkward. Despite the positive reviews on this page, I struggled to carry the same enthusiasm. Well directed, to be sure, but the film isn't up to the calibre of Sicario or Hell or High Water, both written by Sheridan. Glacially paced for the first hour, before bursting into action in the last stretch, with a quickly resolved plot. Perhaps I'm missing the point, but it just wasn't interesting enough. Then again, my tv was having a few sound issues, so maybe I was distracted by that, and so a rewatch may be needed at a later date. Still, as it stands at this moment in time, consider me disappointed.

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Great story, well told and acted.

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What a small gem of a movie - didnt know about it before watching it.

Great story, great atmosphere - and good, honest acting by near everyone in the movie.

Highly recommended - A bit slow story, but it fits the environment really well.

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Fantastic flick! I had no idea what this was about other than I love Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen! Outstanding movie. Yet so disturbing that it is based on actual events.

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One of the rare movies that brought a tear to my eyes. That has not happened for over a year.

Very touching story with great acting. It makes you think for days to come.
Apart from specific unimportant flaws (like rifle bullet throwing a grown man back on the ground) the movie is great.

It depicts a crime out in the wilderness in Native-American society. The landscape shots are great and real eyecandy.


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Wind River

A crime thriller set upon the wilderness of a Native American reserve in Wyoming.
The plot is light but hard hitting, with a strong through line of grief and loss.
Music and imagery are on point throughout.
The leads play their parts perfectly.


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Shout by Deleted

great movie, but nothing special. for me it was just a little bit above average crime, thriller movie

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Another really well done drama/thriller written by Sheridan. Great cast, and an interesting, tragic and seldomly covered subject matter.

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Shout by Deleted

Bellissimo Thriller Drama ambientato nella periferia nordica americana.
Ambientazioni , fotografia , sceneggiatura davvero ottimi.
Bellissima performance di Renner.
Film che merita davvero molto.

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8.5/10 great movie and Olsen was just amazing.I enjoyed every minute of her acting skills dont miss this one!

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Apparently Taylor Sheridan knows how to write a film. This is his third film and it was just as good as the other two (Sicario and Hell or High Water). I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for anything else he is involved with (next film in 2018).

Without giving to much away, this film may seem slow at the beginning but it is worth the pay off. The casting was on point and the script was good. Definitely recommend.

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The resolution was a bit hasty and confusing for my taste (maybe I missed something?). I will admit though it was a bit unexpected cause I thought they'd go with the traditional abusive boyfriend or family member route, nevertheless it's still a good film. The mystery itself as well as the payback scene carry it. Great acting by both Renner and Olsen. Nice to see them in other stuff besides superhero films.

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That's a 10/10 right there. Enjoyed every minute of it.

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Shout by rcmarvin
BlockedParent2017-10-28T08:09:04Z— updated 2017-11-18T04:34:32Z

Anyone have a theory of how the ice trace went into?
I mean, at the end, the trace seems started from Sam's house to the security guide place. So who create the trace in the first place? Did the security guide put Matt body on the hill and then search for Natalie to Sam house?

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