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Wild Tales 2014

Qué paja tener que buscar los títulos en inglés. ¡Esta película se llama Relatos Salvajes, carajo!

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The original title of the film is Relatos salvajes.

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I like that anthologies seem to be gaining in popularity. I've always loved short stories and the way that they are easily translated to movies. "Wild Tales" is a release out of Argentina that features six stories that range from air travel to wedding receptions.

As is the case with any anthology, there were some stories that I preferred over others. But I was entertained by every one of them. Each brought a healthy dose of suspense and the ones I liked more than others were largely based on how each one ended.

These shorts all look great and are all subtitled. If you are someone who won't watch something because it's subtitled, all I can offer is that you grow up. After about two minutes, you won't even realize that you are reading subtitles.

My favorites segments here occur early in the movie. I'll rank them:

  1. Gabriel Pasternak (the one with the plane)
  2. Road Rage (funny)
  3. Parking Ticket (kind of a "Falling Down" story line)
  4. Restaurant
  5. Proposal
  6. Wedding

The first three are very fun and the bottom three are entertaining but end pretty flat.

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¿Alguien más conoce a Gabriel Pasternak aquí?

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A really funny black comedy striking a unique tone that is simultaneously dry, cruel and zany. It’s basically an exploration of different people acting according to their worst human impulses, sometimes leading to interesting observations about modern society & capitalism, while other stories are complete pulp. The unhinged quality gives every short a fun, unpredictable quality, I don’t think there’s a weak one in the bunch (the ones that are less entertaining tend to be the ones that focus more on substance). The directing is honestly fantastic; the shot selection, music and editing add a lot of personality to the film. It’s quite an achievement how natural all the dramatic escalation feels, which could also be a result of every actor doing a really good job. I have a few minor issues with some of the clunky exposition and flat characters, but you’re almost bound to run into issues like that when you’re using an anthology structure. Regardless, it’s still very easily recommended.


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1) 8/10
2) 6/10
3) 10/10
4) 10/10
5) 9/10
6) 8/10.

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I loved it. some stories border on the absurd, but it is life itself

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Fabulous. Situations that we could not pass to any but taken to the limit of comic form with a black humor.

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What a powerfull movie from Argentina..Six great stories you can't take your eyes from the screen for two hours 8.2/10

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One of the best anthology films I’ve seen, dark yet very humane and recognizable... Recommended!

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Gran película. Me encantó "La propuesta", cómo el dinero es capaz de conseguirlo todo en un sistema corrupto.

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This film reminded me a LOT of the (amazing) tv show Black Mirror. I thought that it did a fantastic job laying out some really interesting scenarios. For example, what would happen if two people with road rage really had the unfortunate please of having to meet face-to-face (this is more interesting in our world of people saying terrible things to each other online). Would everyone be just as brave? My favorite story was the last one as it spoke to me personally. I've often prided myself in not conforming to the expectations, approvals and traditions of others - I thought that it did a fabulous job of delivering that message.

I don't mean this to sound like a criticism but I think the stories demanded more thought from the view rather than entertain them. Probably the best anthology that I've seen since The Ballad of Buster Scruggs.

follow me at or facebook IHateBadMovies

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¡Locura total!
La verdad es que entretiene.
Divierte, no es la mejor comedia o el mejor drama pero es buena para pasar el rato.
Bombita, mi historia preferida.

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A pesar de las historias te ries por lo surrealista de algunas situaciones. Aunque como todas las historias formadas por varios relatos, tiene algunos mejores que otros.

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I can add myself as 7th story while watching this movie :D

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The problem with anthology films is often that the quality of the individual stories varies considerably. But this is hardly the case with “Wild Tales." Every single episode in this vicious black comedy has at least one scene that made me laugh out loud.

The first short story in an airplane immediately sets the right mood, even if it is so nasty that you might have to wince a little. The third episode is also a highlight, showing what happens when “road rage” is taken to extremes. “Bombita” then deals very effectively with the subject of bureaucracy. “La Propuesta” then addresses the issue of corruption, which was the episode that left me the least impressed. However, the wedding story at the end of the movie won me over again.

All in all, the beginning, middle, and end of “Wild Tales” are particularly well done, making it one of the best anthology films of all time. Each individual story would also work very well as a stand-alone short film, which is certainly also a testament to its quality.

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A bit exaggerated, but so human. Because how close we are to losing mental stability.

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Absurd, but very enjoyable. I think I like the Road Rage-story the most. It’s easily the most funny one, but all the story’s are charming in their own way. I think the wedding was my second favorite.

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Easily the best anthology i've ever seen. They usually tend to have a few bad segments that end up ruining the movie as a whole, but not this one. I enjoyed every single one of them, all very different stories and captivating. Good acting all around, great music choices and score, nice camerawork. A great blend of drama, thriller and excellent dark comedy. Some are pretty thought-provoking too. One thing they all had in common was that they completely nailed every ending to the stories. My favorite was Road to Hell.

  1. Pasternak - 7/10
  2. The Rats - 7/10
  3. Road to Hell - 9/10
  4. Little Bomb - 8/10
  5. The Bill - 8/10
  6. Till Death Do Us Part - 9/10
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excellent dark movie that shows how everything big can start small, the pathway of revenge and anger and unexpected consequences ,totally recommended

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What a fun ride!
Loved every second of it. :innocent:

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A very good movie! A movie with 6 different stories with different and interesting stories!

But one common point can be seen among all these stories, anger and hatred!

The acting was excellent, as well as the music and cinematography.

I recommend this movie to those who like violence.

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I love them just like this. Not in English but Dayumm!!!

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Every viewer can relate some part of their life with the movie. Brilliant stories.

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All the stories are awesome and depicts various kinds of human depression.The best anthology I've seen.2 hours was nothing comparing to the pace

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A brilliant exploration of humans in all their messy glory. All six stories deal with vengeance, all protagonists are quite very in touch with their id, but the stories couldn't have been more contrasting in their outlooks. Loved!!!

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Shout by Deleted

It's all about revenge.

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Amazing opening. The 6 segments have interesting concepts and are well executed. There is not one short story I did not like, all of them have their qualities. I rank them in this order: "Pasternak"; "Until death do us apart"; "The Strongest", "Little Bomb"; "The Rats"; "The Proposal"
Great humor throughout, absurd at times and always entertaining

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Shout by Deleted

I just don't know, it's absolutely, fantastic!

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Really nice movie; a collection of short stories on human qualities.

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Shout by Deleted

It's become one of my favorite movies <3

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Plane and the Car stories were the best

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I didn't like it, the acting is quite irregular and it should be called Shitty Tales: just people having a bad time with ridiculous outcomes.

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It's pretty good, but not grat. In my opinion.

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