Okay, I watched this because I am a huge Clue fan. Was it everything I hoped it would be? No. Was it terrible? No.
Who Done It really feels exactly like what it is: a fan of the movie took it upon himself to make a documentary. With Clue being such an underrated film, what do you expect?
So, this does come across as very slapdash, but I'm not complaining, because the alternative is nothing at all.
The highlight, of course, is the interviews with the director, and some of the cast.
Typically, with movie docs, I look for one that tells me insider details about the making of the film, fond memories from the cast, just pieces that shed more light on what it was like to create this. We get some of that here, but the method is... unorthodox.
We start by learning about preproduction. Then we learn about the cast, in the form of mini filmography. We move on to the box-office failure, and eventual cult status. The doc ends with talking to a few loyal fans.
Not a bad doc. Clue fans are going to enjoy it. Just keep the expectations low.

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If you like clue this is a cute lil' documentary.

First they tell you why Tim Curry was so funny in the movie.

Then they tell you why Christopher Lloyd was so funny in the movie.

Then they tell you why Madeline Kahn was so funny in the movie.

Then they tell you why Michael Mckean was so funny in the movie...

Then they tel..

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Shout by Geon Dp

Want to talk about doing the source work no justice.. Yikes, BIG SWING and a miss. The music throughout the documentary was terribly chosen, just on and on.. Love the passion though

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