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We're the Millers 2013

Will Poulter will never, EVER have a moment, not just in his acting career, but in his entire life that will top making out with Emma Roberts and Jennifer Aniston at the same time. Good for him!!!

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Really funny movie. A bit crude, but still funny. Plus Jennifer Aniston... you know what I'm sayin'?

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I enjoyed this much more than I was expecting. Sudekis is up there with my favourite SNL cast members and he didn't disappoint.

Jen was... just... wipes drool. She's great with comedy and I really enjoyed seeing her working with Jason (previously in Horrible Bosses together).

Easy and enjoyable to watch. Throw it on next time you're in the mood to laugh mindlessly.

ps - watch the outtakes... certainly worth it.

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Great humour, a likeable cast, and a great ending. This is comedy gold.

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It's one of my favs of this year!!!
I don't remember when was the last time I hear people to laugh and applause at the cinema :)

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I absolutely loved this movie. Found myself laughing throughout the whole film. Will recommend to others and will watch again.

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It's entertaining and still has a few memes going around the internet.

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It is rare to see a flick that can make you laugh so hard that you piss your pants. This one did not get me there but I laughed almost that hard.

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Seriously funny movie, would rate it a smidge & a half, naa'm sayin'

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Totally overrated, too many bad jokes, a lot of bad taste and very few good moments.

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watch it in DVD if you want. just another mindless comedy.

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this movie was so fucking great!! it's probably my favorite comedy movie right now. also, if jennifer anniston and jason sudeikis weren't in this movie it would've been terrible because them to together are so funny omg. overall 10/10, A+, 100%, will watch again very soon!!

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I you wanna talk about it?..or are you gonna keep moping around like someone kicked you in the vagina?

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In comparison to the other comedy movies that are produced this days, We're The Millers is a little better than the others.
Most of the jokes are predictable, but there's some funny & clever lines. Jennifer & Jason did a good job in the movie.
Also... Jennifer Anniston stripteasing

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Genuinely one of the funniest films I've watched, love this, can watch it time and time again and still be laughing out loud. Jennifer Aniston I love you.

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“We’re the Millers” is a raunchy comedy movie, so don’t expect anything else. But it was genuinely funny, and heartwarming! Sudeikis and Aniston are perfect together and are the key to making the silly premise work. Lots of silly jokes, situational comedy, and character development. Definitely a few “laugh out loud” moments. The idea of a fake family leads itself to some low hanging fruit which works well.

I watched this movie with my dad so there were a few “sheepishly trying not to look too excited” moments, but oh well. I’m also watching Game of Thrones with my dad so… I’m over it.

Overall, nothing terribly novel but a nice comfort movie! I’ll probably watch again in the future. I’ll be viewing Ted Lasso S3 in a different light now.

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For me, "We're the Millers" felt like a missed opportunity, a comedy that seemed promising on paper but fell flat in execution. It's almost as if the movie was unsure of its own identity, teetering between a wholesome family comedy and a raunchy adult humor flick. The plot is wildly predictable and, honestly, feels like a hodgepodge of every road trip movie trope we've seen a thousand times over. The humor, which should be the film's strongest suit, often comes across as forced and overdone, leaning heavily on awkward and crude moments for laughs rather than on clever, well-written dialogue. The characters, while played by a cast with undeniable talent, are stereotypical and lack depth, making it hard to connect with or root for them. Additionally, the film's attempts to humanize and develop these characters feel rushed and inauthentic, leaving much to be desired in the emotional payoff department. In short, "We're the Millers" is a comedy that doesn't quite hit the mark, offering a few chuckles at best but failing to leave a lasting impression.

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One of the most underrated comedies I have seen. What a creative idea around the subject of drugs, as it follows a struggling white drug dealer who gets robbed and has to figure out a way to go pick up a load of drugs from Mexico and deliver it to his boss in the states in order to make up what was stolen from him. In order to get away with it he gathers up some people and an RV to pose as a fake family. The casting is spot on, especially Ed Helms, and the plot development was great. Most non slap-stick comedies get a bit sappy about 75% of the way in and stop being funny, but this one continues to have hilarious punch lines and weird plot twists through the sappy stuff.

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Comedies like this are simply not made nowadays. It’s raunchy, pushes boundaries, and is ultimately hilarious! This is a good one to turn on for a chuckle whenever. If seen it many times before, and will likely see it many more times in the future!

Rating: 4/5 - 8.5/10 - Would Recommend

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A good movie i was expected to be more silly but it was' s a little creepy in some points but overall i had a good time. 6.7/10

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A very funny comedy that is a great mix of funny over-the-top jokes and dark comedy. This is a classic movie that anyone can watch and enjoy.

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Shout by Jaybee289
BlockedParent2022-11-16T12:48:29Z— updated 2022-11-21T09:48:26Z

An easy watch.

Perfect film to throw on when in the mood for some light-hearted entertainment.

Provides good laughs throughout, got no complaints.

8/10 - Great film, one that I'll happily watch again

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Jason Sudeikis plays a sad-sack drug dealer in the early stages of a mid-life crisis who, in trying to land a big score, convinces a ragtag group of loose acquaintances to pose as his sticky sweet All-American family. Outside of a few decadent striptease spots from Jennifer Aniston, who seems to know how cheap a gimmick they really are, it's formulaic to the bone. Which is a shame, because there's some quality comic talent wasted in this cast.

With a cookie cutter sense of humor and no knack for improv, it's not particularly silly, nor witty, nor even all that funny - it just shows its hand bafflingly early, than follows the charted course all the way home to a stagnant, peachy-keen, groan-inducing finish. I found more laughs in the two-minute blooper reel than I did in the preceding hundred-ten, and may have been actively rooting for the cast to fail spectacularly during the third act, if just for want of a curveball. Amusing at best, it's terribly tame considering the rich, risqué subject matter.

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No pensé que una comedia de Hollywood que tiene como argumento el trafico de drogas por medio de unos malvivientes que se hacen pasar por una familia de turistas fuera tan moralina.

Enseña valores familiares y cosas buenas. Hay que trabajar en equipo, aprender a tolerarnos y estar de parte de la ley. La prostitución, la vagancia y la drogadicción no traen nada bueno. Los maleantes siempre tienen su merecido. Te diviertes y además aprendes valores. Eso es lo que necesita el público.

Algunos gags son divertidos, pero eso no impide que me sienta ofendido por recibir una lección de buena conducta. Me alegra no haberla visto en el cine, es como si pagaras para que tu papá te de buenos consejos.

Los malvivientes se convierten en una familia modelo WASP, es terrible, parece como un panfleto del Partido Republicano. Siento que me tomaron el pelo.

Quizás el striptease de Jennifer Aniston hubiera sido un éxito hace 15 años, pero ahora pasa desapercibido, ni siquiera el eye-candy vale la pena.

Me reí un poco, Emma Roberts se ve muy bonita, pero no es una película que recomendaría.

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Oh Man! I love this movie.
One of the best movie i have watched in my life. I always recommend it to my friends..
It tells you the importance of family in a funny and most interesting way.

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It was honestly a great movie, and I found myself laughing 85% of the time, with a great cast but simple enough storyline,

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This movie is so funny !! I have spent great time watching it !!

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Shout by Mounir

funny movie and Jason and Jennifer amazing together that guy is amazing

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Funny and easy to watch. Nothing special.

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Shout by Deleted

Funny stuff! Jennifer & Emma were major hotties of course.

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Shout by Deleted

Very funny movie I've had a great evening. Hilarious!!

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Very funny. Good film for a nice amusing evening at home

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Listen it was a good laugh, don't really get all the negative comments! Was a really really good comedy!

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Shout by Deleted

Better than I expected but still not fantastic.

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Tried a bit too hard to have some heart at the end; amusing enough for a watch.

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Shout by Deleted


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A very funny and entertaining movie, one of the best comedies lately!

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I loved this movie and I went into it with average expectations. One of the better comedies I've seen in a long time

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This was, hands down, THE best comedy in quite a while. 'nuff said.

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Shout by Deleted

Very, very funny! Loved the plot, the cast, everything. Great movie!

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yeah disregard all negative comments this was great.

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The boy should be satisfied with life

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Bad movie...

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Sweet crackers I haven't laughed that hard in SOOOOOOOOOOOO long.. this movie was totally epic :D I also looooooooved the outtakes :D

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this movie can easy get a rating of 7-9 really fun movie, for me its the best of this 2013, so many shit comedy movies this year, but this one is really enjoyable!

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Shout by Deleted

This movie is just hilarious, one of my favorite comedies this year.

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I really don't get all the negative comments. I laughed SO hard and loud, tears in my eyes. It has been a long time I've laughed so hard for a movie. I guess you either like it or not :)

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Shout by Deleted

Predictable laughs, funny lines, definitely a rental!

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Meh, shitty comedy. If you saw the trailer then you saw all the best parts already. 1h45 min long, they could have done it within an hour. Too bad, trailer promised a funny movie, but all the funny moments were already in that trailer.

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Shout by Ben

Jennifer Aniston !

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