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Watership Down 1978

40 years ago, this film scared me as a child. Watching it as an adult can be existentially terrifying. Pretty dark flick at times, but also pretty damn good. Should be required viewing for all the little kiddies; give 'em a dose of the cold, hard realities of life. Sweet dreams you little knee-biters.

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While I don't find fault with the imagery and themes that seem to have caused a stir (in fact, I appreciate the filmmakers' candor) I will say: this movie is no fun.

The idea of animation not being used as a medium for some level of comedy or whimsical fantasy, is completely alien to me, and I can't think of any other instance where that is the case.

In what could vaguely pass as humorous, you have a rabbit's musings about road traffic and a grumpy bird who has an odd accent and acts silly. There isn't really anything to crack so much as a smirk. It's so joyless.

There's a good story in it, and I applaud the performances and the artistry, but it's not something I'd ever want to watch again.

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