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Warm Bodies 2013

refreshing idea of a zombie movie but not executed so well. I was expecting it to be a lot better

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This cheered me up greatly and I will return to it whenever I need to bring some happiness back into my life.

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I really enjoyed this movie. Who would've thought that you can create a comedy with zombies and love?

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This kind of romantic comedy with zombies and humans has been better than expected, the couple does it well

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I wish they had just gone full blown Romeo and Juliet in this one. The ending was a bit of a cop-out. Where is my tragic everyone dies ending?

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I expected the worst, but this was actually good. Well, if you expected the worst, and just accepted the narration and atmosphere. Good crack, but I get the low ratings this movie got, too.

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It was warm

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From the trailer, it looked like it could be a funny comedy. However, upon watching the movie, I couldn't tolerate even 20 minutes of the movie without turning it off. The idea was interesting, but, I think the script was not well executed in my opinion.

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Finally a movie that shows us the zombie apocalypse in a zombie's perspective
It's not perfectly done tho,but you can't hate it.

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Cute movie. You shouldn't expect it to be the best movie ever, but it's nice to watch when there isn't anything to do. If you want some entertainment, give it a try.

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Right through inconsistent. Sure, it's a love story wrapped in a zombie movie and the sensmoral is that you should seize the day bla bla bla... I just don't get their motivations...

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Empieza muy bien pero poco a poco va virando hacia un destino previsible y poco interesante.

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After watching this I was like "Wow!" I didn't expect the movie to be THIS good. The description of it kind of sucked, but after watching the trailer, I was intrigued. If you are a fan of zombie movies and The Walking Dead, you have to watch this movie. I think it will become one of my favourite movies and I won't watch it just once. I think I'll have to watch it again.

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After this one you'll never shoot zombie in the head the same way ;)

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Refreshing point of view on your typical zombie stories. Having seen the trailer I watched this movie with no expectations and it is the right mindset if you really want to enjoy it.

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This WAS a pleasant surprise. I thought it was going to be a romantic comedy with a zombie twist but it turned out to be different than that in a good way. The characters were lkable and the cinematography was gorgeous in some scenes.

I liked how it wasn't depressing being an apocalypse/zombie movie, it even had an upbeat soundtrack!

now I'm craving a Resident Evil crossover...

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I had fun watching this movie but I wouldn't say it was great. R's friend really got on my nerves and the plot had some holes but overall I enjoyed it.

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Quite good

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A nice heartwarming story. If you're a zombie movie fan but your girlfriend isn't... This is the movie to see.

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Not great, but good.

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Love story! I just loved it! That thing that mase this movie exciting was that he wasn't a human in the first place, but he still got in love with her and she got in love with him. That prooves that love can excist between two different kinds of people. Really good movie!

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Awesome movie, in spite of all the "lovey dovey" stuff and the impossible and gross relationship between a zombie and a human being. It's a pretty nice movie

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Now that's different, great to see a movie that go's the opposite way from the rest. Not side splitting but funny in its own way.

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I expected a Twilight clone but got more. It's not spectacular but certainly cute. It gets points for the soundtrack. Anything that goes back a couple decades (or more cough) to avoid boy band ballads in favor of 80's hits wins in my book.

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was pretty good movie. Credit for unique, never saw a movie built like this. Also had action & found it humorous at times!

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Shout by dineth

Didn't expect much, turned out to be an awesome Sunday afternoon movie. This is really good. Well worth your time. Light and easy going. It had a certain charismatic vibe happening all the way through!

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Don´t talk about twilight or compare to it without even seeing this. please don't insult this great movie =)

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I liked it. If you're into zombies and your girlfriend is into romance... perfect match :)

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I enjoyed it the first time and continue to enjoy this movie. I keep forgetting it's a book series. The author mentioned the other books could become movies. So, I'm planning to check them out on Amazon and give them a read.

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I'm a big fan of Zombie movies - especially the "B Rated" style - the ones that are so bad that they're good. That's what this looked like to me before I watched it several years ago. However, I fell in love with the story and the development of R's character. That was when I first watched it in 2019.

Fast forward to last night.... We were sitting down to watch a movie, and I came up with the idea of showing our 13 year old daughter a Zombie movie. She's always stayed away from any type of horror until she started watching - so, perfect time to get her into some other horror. I always like watching Zombie movies in the weeks leading up to Halloween.

Anyway, this was the perfect intro into Zombie movies for her! She got into the story and liked the ride. And, there's really no gore or other 'adult situations' that makes you cringe when watching with a young teenager.

Highly recommended to bring someone into watching their first horror movie!

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Definitely a new take on a zombie movie, like the kind of zombie movie you would play for a date!

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very cute, especially if you're a fan of the leads. it's definitely a comedy but it's mostly in the form of moments between r and m and r's internal monologue. if you like the source material, its basically that but with the death part going in reverse. also, julie's last name is grigio instead of capulet and frankly i love it

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Shout by tvJackson
BlockedParent2021-10-31T22:09:52Z— updated 2022-01-22T22:23:51Z

This movie was too non-realistic to enjoy.

A team of human teenagers is sent on a mission with weapons to recover supplies and kill any zombies that get in their way.

This girl is one of the teenagers. When a zombie corners her she crouches down on the ground instead of trying to ESCAPE. The zombie doesn't kill her, and she stays with him for several days.

The next scene is the girl driving a car with the zombie as a passenger. I didn't understand, because she wasn't trying to escape. She was just joy riding with the zombie.

Is her life in danger, or is this a fun happy romance? Either way, it is a stupid movie!

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It was enjoyable to watch, but the story makes no sense whatsoever. The most glaring issue is that it fails to explain how thousands of zombies that "die without feeding" can be kept alive without any sort of feeding on anyone's yummy brains, seeing how they "can't eat broccoli".
The 'change' plot is far from believable as well.

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The greatest zombie love story ever told, Warm Bodies is a brilliant and surprisingly entertaining film that envisions the zombie apocalypse as never before. The story follows a zombie named R who takes a young woman named Julie under his protection during a raid, and as a result the two form a friendship that ignites a revolution in the zombie population. The writing is especially well-done, and does a great job at creating a zombie mythos and at using first person narration. The acting is also rather good; especially Nicholas Hoult and Teresa Palmer, who do an impressive job at selling this zombie romance. Additionally, the soundtrack is exceptional and really complements the spirit of the film. A remarkably inventive use of the zombie genre, Warm Bodies is a unique and funny tale of horror and romance.

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Love this film, brilliant concept and really well done. Great cast and funny and heart warming. One of my favourites.

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I found this movie enjoyable with good directing..The plot was quite interesting humor was good and the whole idea was refresing and something new.So i reccomend this for having fun 7.2/10

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"I don't remember my name, I mean, I think it started with an 'R', but that's all I have left."


I saw this one back in June 2013, and I like pretty much everything about it; from the characters to the love story to the solution.
And that quote he says is still a highlight for the character, R, which reminds me of me because my name starts with the letter R.
With the prettyful Teresa Palmer as the female lead and love interest; whom I remember from The Sorcerer's Apprentice.
It's a cute one to watch on a date night. ;-)

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You know how Alien is basically Jaws in space? Well, this is kind of E.T. with zombies (or CEOFTK). Maybe it's not an accurate comparison, but it resembles how refreshing they both are. It's cheesy, funny and the chemistry between the main actors is very good.

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Just when you think the zombie genre is played out and then some, along comes this unique take. That's not to say I liked it, because in the end I didn't, but I do appreciate the attempt at something different. The movie has a whole host of problems, but the biggest may be that it never finds a sure footing and solid balance between its disparate tones and genres.

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I give this movie a 5/10 star, it was fun to watch things from the zombies perspective ... but the director is trying so hard to have a "Happy ending" he ruined the Zombie franchise to do so!

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What the fuck have i just seen...

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Amazing movie! One of my favorites

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Vampires are cool!

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Not great, but good.

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Supringly good

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Really enjoyed this one, it was better than I expected. The writing was creative and original, with a fun sense humor.

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Meh ... didn't really do it for me, and even seemed like it went longer than it should've. As long as you know not to expect too much, and it's tongue-in-cheek, you might like the love story part of it.

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Zombies can't run!

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Expected a lot more based on other reviews. It was tough to root for characters that didn't have much depth. Also, it was very slow for most of the movie.

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