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Vampire Hunter D 1985

Quintessential late-night anime from the medium's earliest days. We've got blood and violence, tits and ass, a tall, dark, mostly-silent hero, a hulking, unrepentant evil monster and a whole host of nameless underbosses to tear apart. Add an ample serving of unique weaponry, a ridiculously large blood moon, a sarcastic talking hand and darkness, darkness, darkness; you've got Vampire Hunter D.

With character designs by Final Fantasy house artist Yoshitaka Amano, it's well-conceived, if cheaply produced. As an early gateway drug to the not-for-kids scene, I loved it in my teens. Now that I've been exposed to more material, and the format has grown, it's tough to overlook the uber-hammy dialog, excessively simple character development and vague, conveniently under-explained plot points. Its cup overfloweth with style, atmosphere and well-dressed, grimacing mystery men, but at heart it's just an excessively simple genre piece. An influential, good-looking effort, but not a great standalone.

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Low-budget but well-made production, an interesting character and the clichés of anime in the 80s with violence, gratuitous nudity and evil bad guys. It's worth a look.

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Hooptober Nine: Revelations

"I am Rei Ginsei, vampire hunter and killing men like you is my greatest pleasure. Prepare to die!"

Didn't really know what I was getting into with Vampire Hunter D, I had heard and read about it before but didn't expect it to be this straight forward in a decently build up world.

Off course you get the great 80's anime animation, lovely monster designs with a bit of a Castlevania feel, the classic silent hero, I've learned that Blade is a Dhampir. I wonder if Marvel knows. I got lot and lots of beautiful red blood, fun action and even animated nudity.

D, the Vampire Hunter is a Dhampir with a talking left hand who gets recruited by Doris to slay Count Magnus Lee who has bitten Doris. This will safe her life. It's simple and it is fun. If you like horror and anime this is certainly a must watch. Happy I've finally seen it.

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