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Valentine 2001

Wasn't a big fan when it came out, but it's actually a pretty fun slasher throwback. Some fun characters, some awful ones, and a cool killer. Would've been nice to get a couple of these...

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An intolerably average and lackluster whodunnit slasher with an unmemorable killer, mediocre kills, and dull characters. It's not even interesting or fun. The dialogue is so absolutely horrid even by 2000s slasher standard that you feel like you’re watching a Lifetime thriller. The killer’s identity is super obvious if you pay minimal attention. It barely shows any effort to distinguish itself from similar slasher of the era. Nu-metal fans might enjoy it because of the soundtrack, other than that there's absolutely no reason to watch it.

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Valentine is a mediocre and formulaic slasher film. As Valentine’s Day approaches, three friends find themselves being hunted by a masked killer. Starring Marley Shelton, Denise Richards, David Boreanaz, and Katherine Heigl, the film has a pretty good cast, but their performances are all rather weak. Additionally, the script is poorly written and leaves a lot of thing vague or unexplained. However, some of the kill scenes are pretty fun and exciting, and there are some amusing bits of humor satirizing dating and Valentine’s Day cards. Yet while it’s entertaining, Valentine is a fairly generic horror film that doesn’t really deliver any scares.

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"Roses are red, Violets are Blue, They'll need dental records to identify you."

I like that this is a horror movie that has the 90's feel to it, but also doesn't forget to have some fun. It has cheesy moments but the cast did a good job and Don Davis added a nice touch with his score.

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Shout by Oliver

I recently rewatched this after many years, and it’s more enjoyable than I remember.
I forgot Denise Richards and Katherine Heigl were even in this when they were so young.

It’s a good film for slasher horror fans. The only part I didn’t enjoy was the ending. It just didn’t add up. It was obvious the whole film that David Borenaz was the killer, but then one of the girls has the killers costume on.. why was she even wearing it? I get it was to make it look like she was the killer but how did he even get her in the costume and why didn’t she make any sounds like a scream? Like was she in on the killings? Just wish it had been thought out a bit more

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