With the rise of sports gambling becoming legalized across the United States, this is as relevant as ever! This one seemed to have a different vibe than the rest of the series, as the others were more information based, and this is more investigative based and making you question "who" is at fault here. Fun story and definitely made me think!

Rating: 3/5 - 75% - Worth Watching

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An eye-opening sports documentary that leaves you questioning the integrity of some sports officiating. It provides valuable insights into questionable calls in sports and the potential impact of external factors on game outcomes. This film makes you wonder about the hidden stories behind some of the most controversial moments in sports history.

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Great documentary. The greatest evil? Is the love of money. The NBA has been doing this described in the movie" for decades. The NBA is a multi-billion dollar buisness. Do yourself a favor and watch this film.

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