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Unsane 2018

Why did I decide to watch it? I liked the premise. And I like some of Soderbergh's movies (but not all).

Baseline score: 6

Watchability. Will I ever watch it again?
-1 I seriously doubt it

Emotions. What did I feel?
0 Nothing special. It definitely was not scary.

Characters. Was there someone I was rooting for?
0 No

Story. Did I like it?
0 As I've said I liked the premise. But the premise was "is she crasy or not". And that question was answered almost immediately. And then there was no mistery. Instead we got a psycho and a rotten system.

Picture. Was it beautiful?
0 Nothing special

Music. Do I remember it? Do I want to buy the soundtrack?
0 No

Final score: 5

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i honestly think that it's very easy to tell that this was filmed on an iphone. the acting was solid, but the feeling of the movie just. hit the wrong way. i genuinely think it should've been made with traditional cinematography instead.

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Claire Foy at her most unrestrained, hypnotic best!

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I'm still wondering how I could make it through the whole movie... It was like on every turn they could make, they decided to go for the most obvious and boring road. Not one moment it was thrilling nor did anything unexpected happen.
This is pure art in a way... The art of making the most unintelligent film in history. 99 minutes of pure boredom and a story that could be summed up in one sentence. I recommend to just watch a YouTube video instead - doesn't matter which one. You can thank me later...

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An oddly specific story which combines horror and insurance scam. I would've preferred something more relatable, more universal, especially considering the story is riddled with WTF and the directing is surprisingly amateurish from someone experienced enough to know better.

It's not because it's Steven Soderbergh that we have to call it art or pretend to like it.

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Shout by Tim Kretschmann
BlockedParent2018-05-14T01:44:14Z— updated 2018-06-02T04:40:24Z

This makes for a challenging watch. This movie is at least 40 minutes too long and once it gets to the point, it takes a while to resolve itself. Not very satisfying. This is the first movie in a LONG time I saw people leave the theater after already sitting there an hour. So it's not just me. This is a slog.

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This movie was absolutely awesome. Loved it! Not what I expected at all.

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Another horror movie that's not scary. And recording with an iPhone did not help, even on the contrary, the video looks pretty amateurish. The story was interesting at the beginning, but shortly after everything became clear, it did not make sense to think about the film anymore, but only waiting for it to end. The film seemed to be trying to explain things that are already quite clear. And I'll repeat it again - do not put a movie in the horror category if it is not ... this is a classic example of a psychological thriller. 5/10 and that's more than generous... in my opinion :D

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Shout by schmenky
BlockedParent2018-06-11T02:05:37Z— updated 2018-06-20T20:19:32Z

2 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
0 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
1 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

8 out of 10

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This is a very interesting movie. Since it was shot on an iPhone it has such a unique look. It was a little distracting at first but I ended up really enjoyed the cinematography. The constraints of using an iPhone made for some beautiful shots. The score was good. Claire Foy is pretty great and so is Jay Pharoah. I wish he had more screen time, those two had good chemistry.

The center mystery of if Sawyer is actually crazy or not was done well. I was never sure if I could trust what we were seeing. Even when David was in the solitary confinement room I still wasn't sure if it was actually him or in her head. Then more bodies started to show up and realized it really was him. That's when I was starting to get worried about her. The ending was kinda sad, she will be forever haunted. Oh and why does Matt Damon just show up for a surprise cameo.

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I went to go see Unsane tonight. Daaaaaaaamn. Soderbergh did a great job here. I can't believe the entire movie was shot on an iPhone. Crazy psychological thriller, and I really didn't know what was real or not for a good portion of the movie.

Definitely do NOT take a girl who is afraid of stalkers to see this movie. She will have nightmares for days after seeing this. Guaranteed. I even got freaked out as a guy.

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Shout by sp1ti

I was mostly on board with this until the later parts... they seemed to lack the finesse this was trying to setup.

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I enjoyed this taut thriller and critique of the industrialization of psychiatry - which already has a questionable reputation - in the US.

I don’t understand the criticism of the third act that others have commented on.

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Crazy that this movie was shot just with an iPhone. Mixed with the experience of Steven Soderbergh and the strong performance of Claire Foy it gives the movie a unique flair. Kinda feels like an amateur movie, but it's not. Nevertheless, It sometimes lost during watching. Much stuff is like you would think it to be, or even a little bit too tuned up for me. I was beginning to feel a little bit crazy, too. Towards the end, it managed to up the stakes and regain my attention. So I was very intrigued, but not really satisfied.

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Gaslight, the movie; with cinematography made to look shitty on purpose. You know them English gals Claire Foy and Juno Temple can do crazy with Foy slipping in and out of her accent. Also Matt Damon shows up for like 5 mins an hour in.

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Unsane might be the most tense horror movie I have ever seen.
I watched this knowing nothing about it, and that's the way it needs to be seen.
This reminded me a lot of Hitchcock, in tone. The movie just unfolds, and there is so much depth, while keeping the claustrophobic, paranoid grip.
Without singling anyone out, the acting is great.
The writing is so good here. It just builds over the entire course of the movie. There are no shortcuts. The ending is perfect.

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looks interesting but i'm not into thriller gore. wish Soderbergh would have continued The Knick instead.

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Almost as boring as being hospitalized in a psychiatric ward, and I have been many times. But there is some truth to the milking the insurance company for all it’s worth.

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Fun adventure for the whole family. The soundtrack is a stinking turd, though.

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this totally happened to me. Thing is, im the 1 who they accused of being a stalker which is not true at all. Ive never fucking worked in a mental health department.
They know this. Just trying to make me seem fucking crazy.

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this film brings us a strong account of the disease of persecution. playing a little with the reality thus presented

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A Cure For Wellness but not AS riveting... or striking. The camera-work is great, all the shots are made to look like they're recorded by a guy hiding from faraway or from a security camera. A couple creepy ideas, held back by derivative script and monstrously lackluster third act; just nothing too special to become a modern classic. However, certainly worth checking over other trash-fires out now.

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Was good to see Queen Elizabeth again

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Shout by megamelfina
BlockedParent2020-02-09T01:02:29Z— updated 2020-08-24T22:37:10Z

This movie could have been excellent, but it was really just a missed opportunity that made me angry. The biggest complaint I have is the utter lack of believability, which I can only suspend to a point. The fact that this was completely inaccurate in so many important areas just makes it unable to scare you or keep you invested. It's even more upsetting because of the potential that was there.

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Slick, scary, surprising. Nice one Steven. 7.5/10

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Shout by Lee Brown Barrow Movie Buff
BlockedParent2019-01-20T22:36:20Z— updated 2019-01-26T21:55:05Z

There has been a lot of fuss about this being shot on an iPhone, but this is so much more than a gimmicky thriller. It doesn't bear a lot of scrutiny, but for the most part, this is a tense and chilling tale. Claire Foy is terrific.

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Pretty good movie. I'd recommend it ...perhaps not to women though. Eeek. Could give off an unintentional Lifetime Network vibe to women.

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Interesting concept being videoed on an iPhone. Story was fine.

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Really well done thriller, with a few fresh spins on the genre and story here. The most interesting part is how impressive it all looks with being filmed on an iPhone. Soderbergh doesn't really disappoint. I enjoyed it a lot.

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