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Unhuman 2022

This might be the worst movie I will watch this year. This movie is littered with unlikeable annoying characters with cringy dialogue that made my skin crawl. And the bad acting on top of that to fill the trifecta. The humour just doesn't work and its attempt at sentimentality fails miserably. And my goodness why are you moving the camera so much when two people are talking. The excessive slo-mo and pathetic attempt in trying to copy editing style of Edgar Wright is downright pitiful. And the outlandish twist to end it all was just icing on the cake.

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I mean, it made great background noise.

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Level "Shredded" • 3 :poop: • Unwatchable.

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I started out skeptic, but then I found it fun. It really reminded me of how I felt about my classmates back in high school. when I couldn't stand them (and it was mutual), but we always came together due to a strange sense of loyalty that just develops on its own, after years and years of seeing the same people every day.

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Shout by T-TOWN

try hard cinematography - they use every technique and angle in the book!

the 60 minute twist is really stupid - the 78 minute twist goes nowhere - flash forward ending was lame too

really disappointed after finding out the script was from Paul Soter and it was directed by Marcus Dunstan because it felt very amateurish overall

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A gross out zombie flick with lots of splatter and gore. Not the highest budget flick you’re going to see but I think a solid entry into the zombie splatter fest genre. Don’t go into it with high expectations… Just go in with the goal of enjoying some grade B zombie horror.

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This movie is awful.:wastebasket:

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Come on dude? What this like Scream meets Zombieland? A hoax? And believe it or not the ending is just another women rule the world think MCU when all the women superheroes was putting it on Thanos! It seems we going to keep on seeing this now I'm not against it but when it seems to be a constant movie climax to get the audience to clap and shout
It's getting overused in movies now
....Wow:exploding_head: the days are gone where movies are screened studios are just green lighting anything. 2 thumbs down. Thanks.
When the women stood there about to beat dude....I fast forward to the end.

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Let’s start with the fact I had never heard of this movie until I saw it on sale. It sounded interesting. My hopes were minimal. It’s a corny, gory, dark comedy. It works with what it wants to do. If it sounds interesting, don’t be hesitant to check it out. But if it sounds meh, just skip it because there’s better ones out there.

Rating: 2/5 - 6.5/10 - Not Recommended to Everyone

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A surprisingly fun teen zombie horror comedy that is loaded with plenty of thrills, personality, and style. I wasn't really interested in watching this until I saw Marcus Dunstan name on it. I was really impressed by it. The film has his usual over-the-top flashy filmmaking style and it's as charming as his other films. The story is honestly not as straightforward as I expected it to be, which is always a good thing, and that big reveal is definitely jarring but it makes things all the more interesting. Besides the jock guy, the performances are decent across the board. It has more likeable teens than usual teen horror, so that's a good sign.

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