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Unfriended 2014

Have to say. The movie is better than i expected and is better than the ratings it got. The screencast was new and very appealing. Wont say its really scary but it i was kinda in the zone while watching. somehow i was hooked to the screen. Defently worth a watch.

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I don't know why, but I actually liked this, the whole "skype-desktop" thing worked for me, it was original. And I actually got scared at one time which never happens to me while watching horror movies, and I've watched some that are considered "the best ones". The last seconds were kinda unnecessary though.

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It's refreshing to see an original storyline for this genre.

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A unique, worth watching movie. It wasn't very scary but it was definitely creepy and the plot was engaging. Really deserved better ratings.

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As others have said, the concept is original and well-executed. If you see this movie as a social commentary on millenials, it's excellent; but as a horror flick it lacks in some parts. I think the death scenes should have been way gorier (and possibly longer?) for the whole thing to work perfectly. Overall I loved it, though.

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It was way better than I expected. When I first saw the entire movie was gonna be "skype" based I thought it was gonna be really boring, but I was wrong.
Different from all types of horror movies that are being released right now. I truly, truly enjoyed it.

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So i watched and i kind a like it ... actually it was really good for me one of the best ones ! One of the reasons is that it has a new scenario , the skype thing it´s awesome , has scary parts ... The others scary movies are all the same thing ( like this ghosting movie ) they have a house , family hunted ... but i like it but one thing that i dont understand is why it has a low rating ? -_- The movie has a awesome story it´s different so i dont know :p (Sorry about the bad english but i´m not american or british :p)

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I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked Unfriended! The most interesting thing is that the movie doesn't use fake hollwood effects but the whole movie really takes place on the desktop of Blaires computer - I found that unique and exciting and it worked well for me! Also some pretty good tensions there :)

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Hm, something new, and it totally worth to watch. .

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Refreshing is definitely the word for this flick. The influence of internet and social media has been all around recent movies, but the desktop/Skype cam was new (at least for me), and the execution was great. There was tension and suspense and I was hooked. Not at all a masterpiece, but excellent entertainment!

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The most original horror movie ever

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This film is really awesome...

The only thing I would of changed was the whole ghost thing... could of just left it being some sort of cyber bully group.. but overall was a good film and I enjoyed it.

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The movie was pretty good, the desktop PoV was a very original one, the cast did a good job, there is not much to change, maybe shorten a couple of sequences at the mid that where a bit too long and ruined the mood for me, and the last 5 secs too. If not for the few details id give it a 10/10 indie horror score.

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I'm inclined to agree with other commentators here: the movie is better than it's ratings suggest!

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Tired of the found footage films. This is better than the Gallows at least. Unfriended is a little creepy and some-what disturbing even. I just hope there's not 20 sequels lol.

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It is a new genre of horror and I think the end was awesome.

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it was really good but i did not understand the ending!!!

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rumour has it.. you have to die

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Shout by sp1ti

After all the "it's better than it deserves to be" opinions I've seen I'm rather disappointed. already had a very similar approach except that it also mixes in found footage. The reveal was very weak and not what I hoped for. Next time just pull the plug kiddos.

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The online friends chatting in this movie are presented as flawed and despicable. This makes it easy to laugh when they are comically murdered by an Internet killer.

This paints a very accurate picture of how many people use (or more accurately misuse) different social media apps and tools. Whether or not they deserve their fates is up to the viewer to decide, but I was impressed by the way that the director told the story. The entire movie never strays from the Macbook screen of the main character. Everything that happens is relayed from texts, emails, chat rooms and videos. It's really ingenious. It sounds boring but it's really creative. There are frozen apps, pix-elated images, and all sorts of other glitches that are commonplace when using social media and they are all used together to tell this story.

You'll have to suspend your disbelief that anyone could control the online experiences of a half dozen people as the hacker of this movie does. It's impossible of course, unless it's related to a supernatural entity, right?

Beware of a stupid ending.

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to quote a friend of mine.

Absolute garbage. Six scumbags shout at each other on skype for an hour.


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The only interesting thing about this movie is how they made it all from a macbook screen POV. All the rest is terrbile, script, acting, fxs...

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Definitely worth watching, not sure why it was rated so low :/

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I didn't know what to expect from this movie. This was supposed to be a horror movie but when all I'm doing is looking at someone's "computer screen" it just doesn't come off as scary. However, I thought it was an interesting take on high school relationship/ friendships in a reality TV sort of way. In the end I hope no one tries this 2 cents.

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First time I rate a movie here.
Ok it's an original movie but it's sooo boring and repetitive. I gave only 1.

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It was a new idea, and I am an avid fan of the found-footage genre, so obviously I was very intrigued. I might have set my hopes too high. Can't say I hated it, though.

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ok guys, just shut down the PC.

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Shot in first person perspective, Unfriended is disappointing horror film that’s rather convoluted. While video chatting online a group of friends are stalked by a mysterious caller who claims to be a classmate of theirs who was a cyber bullying victim that committed suicide and is seeking revenge. The storytelling is quite innovative and can be engrossing at times, but after a while it gets monotonous as the screen user logs on and off, types messages, and opens and closes various windows. Additionally, the acting is pretty amateurish, and none of them have any charisma. Unfriended has a few tense moments and some intrigue, but it fails to deliver any real scares.

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This movie is absolute garbage.

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I watched Unfriended Dark Web before watching this one. If I watched this first I wouldn't have bothered with Dark Web. Which would be a shame cause that's actually a decent movie. Unlike this. None of the characters are likeable.

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Does 'muricans have THAT shitty internet connection?
Terrible and annoying movie..

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It's weak as for the movie from 2014. If it was made at least few years earlier in the beginning of all that Skype, messengers, etc. era it would be more scary and convincing.

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Shout by Deleted

In a world were we have to beg for something interesting when it comes to horror this is a movie that was better / more interesting than it ratings let me belive before watching. Its decent and enjoyable, just not super duper scary.

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So we're watching a girl's desktop for more than an hour all the meanwhile listening to how she and her friends are screaming at their computers. Great idea, bad execution (no pun intended). The only reason I finished this movie... is because I started it.

This movie does deserve a trophy, trophy for visualisation of the worst collection of internet connections.

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Ayee I really liked this. I got so scared, the whole laptop thing really freaked me out, watching this home alone in my bedroom at night, minimal lighting and oh gosh. I was geniuenly at the edge of my seat so many times. I'm constantly on my laptop, so this got almost too real for me. I didn't think it would be this interesting, but it's one of my favorites that I've watched this year.

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Shout by Deleted

Filme muito bom ! Veio para revolucionar o gênero terror !

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Shout by Deleted

I actually liked it, it scared the crap out of me!

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