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Unearth 2020

Atmospheric, rather than interesting, Unearth felt about 45 minutes too long

I was hoping for so much more based on the synopsis - but I was wrong. At an hour in, I started wondering, and the final feeling was why did I bother

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Unearth concerns two neighboring farm families whose relationship is strained when one of them chooses to lease their land to a natural gas company. In the midst of growing tension, the fracking unleashes something ominous beneath the Earth with terrifying implications. This is really a slow burn that I almost gave up. It's one of those films that require patience because it takes 70 minutes to get to the horrific elements. The family drama fills the most runtime that for a second, I thought I was watching the wrong film. It focuses on the relationships between characters and I don't really mind since that's where the tension gradually builds, with the struggle making ends meet, other financial problems, strained relationship within the family and with the neighbor. Then the horror comes into play as they face the consequences, rewarding the audience with some shocking moments and gruesome body horror, although those moments can get a bit too dark at times. Great performances all around and I like the message. If you like slow burners, do not miss this one.

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