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UglyDolls 2019

Movie was actually surprisingly good. It wasn't mind-blowing but for a kid movie, it delivered. What I look for in a kid's movie is if my child actually retained his attention on the film. And the film just did that. And for that, I feel like this deserves a better rating.

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What an unbelievably bland muddled mess of a childrens movie this was. Mercifully it's short, but in the brief time we spend with this film we're treated to not only the trite message of 'being yourself' which is perfectly acceptable if unoriginal. But also 'getting a make-over is also bad' and most egregious of all Recycling is the worst thing you can do. The film's stances are ridiculously muddled indeed.

The animation is also sub-par, everything seems off, this is not helped that every time one of the main protagonists don't smile their mouths looks like buttholes. This becomes extremely off putting once you notice it the first time . The songs are all mediocre and I sincerely feel for the sanity of the parents who are harassed into getting the soundtrack.

In summation, kids deserve so much better than this.

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If you've seen the trailers you pretty much know the whole plot. When you take two stereotypical extremes and make them the center of the movie, it pretty much tells you the whole plot. Ugly dolls learning to accept themselves and their individuality. Add in some songs and that's it. Now, having said that, my kids loved it. It had good messages, good songs and despite being completely predictable, it was still fun to watch. So, don't go in expecting much and you can still enjoy it.

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Essentially Music videos strung together. 1 1/2 hours felt like 3.

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With a cliche plot, with bad music, It was like they forgot it was a weird musical thing until the very end.

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Too much singing without what a lot would not be lost.

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A Chinese knock-off featuring on-the-nose pop ads and starring bad film merch.

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