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Truth or Dare 2018

Really bad movie. It's not scary at all. Poor jump scares. It looks like a bad copy of final destination but not too entertaining.

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The only scary part of the movie is that creepy snapchat smile. It freaks me out every time I see it.

That ending kind of pissed me off. It felt similar to The Ring's solution.

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I dare you to watch this film because it was good and I thought the idea behind it was great and It's defo been underrated on IMDB that's the truth.

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Not sure how I feel about this movie. For one thing the creepy smiles could have be done way better. The fact Carter can isolate himself so the game can't reach him doesn't make any sense.. Lucas got his turn without anyone or anything near him (the imaginary burn marks). Overall not a bad movie but far from the best. 6/10

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Worldwide purge huh!!! That's actually pretty smart

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One of the worst movies I've ever seen. I am curious to speak to anyone of likes this. UNDER RUBBISH!!

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Why do not people like this movie? I'm shocked by this ending!

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The concept and idea of how the game/curse works is pretty cool. A little corny, but cool. The movies main problem is that it doesn't derive any real scares from the idea, and it all comes to a rather predictable end. It also doesn't help that these characters are pretty unlikeable for the most part... Also the Aphex Twin face that was all throughout the movie was stupid, goofy and cheap looking.

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Wellllll..what'd ya expect lol ppphhhffrrrrttt

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Way better than I thought it would be, tbh. I guess that's the way to go nowadays: just don't expect much and you won't be disappointed =)

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It's like an extended version of "Eye candy", with the same plot as 'It follows' (bit not as good)
the jump scares &; Booms don't work. The demon face bits are funny.

So many close friend's deaths, but no one really seems upset apart from Penny.

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Shout by sp1ti

I usually rate everything lower than the average but this seems to be an exception? Didn't watch this to be scared and got FInal Destination with moral dilemmas... not mad tbh.

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10 out of 10. The overall tone was well-made! Chilling atmosphere overall, has that cheesy 80's B-flick horror style shot movie... That's why I like this film for the most part. Very good cinematography!!

2nd favorite horror film of 2018! (#1 - Insidious: The Last Key)

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I really liked this film, it was actually better than I thought it was going to be. I liked all of the twists that came along with it and the variety of truths and dares that were chosen.
Never play truth or dare!

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Overal I found the movie entertaining. Lucy Hale was carrying this movie though.
The ending of the movie is disappointing. Too easy. I guess it was this or a happy hollywood ending, but I would have strongly preferred that. Perhaps a happy ending but then some final closing scene where sweet do-good Olivia in the end turned into a aggressive freaky b*tch when a guy would have tried to charm her or hit on her like Carter did when getting her in trouble. That would have been far - far better then this cheap simple solution.

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I always love me a moral dilemma

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Shout by Martha

There are so many problems with this movie but I was entertainined. I liked the end but the decision by the character was counterintuitive to what we were shown of her personality.

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The plot/idea is good, the story not so much. What I really hated was that face...

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The characters think they are good people. But they are not. Bunch of hypocrites bad people wearing mask to hide their true nature. And you want us to root for them to survive? No thanks.

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Slightly refreshed "Final Destination" theme. It's not particularly revealing, but the ending is rather unexpected. ;)

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Remember when people thought Battleship was the lowest point for ideas? Then everyone joked about what other game material should be adapted into a movie.

Good times.

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Netflix France had the director's cut of this, which I liked better than the theatrical version, but give the same score so I don't know what to make of myself.

I am a sucker for these Final Destination circular type slasher movies, though.

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horror lite - feeble attempt at horror, but i laughed more than expected at the idiocy of the characters

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Terrible acting if teenagers aren't that stupid. But then "don't take anymore vacations" from an adult makes me think this was a stupid screenplay from the beginning.

Also did they totally just copy that creepy grin from the game that was going on around the internet killing and daring kids to do something?

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The ending was sooo stupid... Just as was this whole movie

Markie On & Off Emotions was annoying AF!!! Just a terrible movie overall

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Truth? This film is bland, generic and meh!

Dare? Watch the movie and see how long you can get before you are forced to stifle a yawn!

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an ok movie wasn't expecting the end to be like that

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Shout by Geon Dp

Garbage, exp for the end

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Are you sure this wasn't meant as a comedy because of how terrible it is? Literally the worst.

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Really good film with a unique idea. Usually I can predict how something's going to end but on this occasion I was blown away and I love films that give you that feeling ..wasnt expecting that ending at all.. The actors are great and believable which makes the viewing experience better!... To finish my review the end of the film it left me thinking they should make a TV series out of this, they could come up with some really good ideas with this.

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Shout by Deleted

Nothing new. Just another film of the genre that presents nothing more than conflicting points of the presented plot. one script hole behind another. Impressive as even when they get an different idea from the others of the genre, which is deeply worn, they can repeat the same mistakes.

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The idea of a possessed game seemed quite interesting but it was poorly executed. To top it all off, the characters were dumb and the ending was ridiculous and infuriating.

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No me gustó mucho la trama fue un poco ilógica 5/10

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this movie is a bullshit.. Pay a cinema to watch this movie should be prohibited..

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It wasn't bad, but... it wasn't good either. There's the usual demon that has been summoned in the past, the group of friends that wakes him up by chance, so they start to die one by one... you know the deal. The characters have some unrealistic secrets, but hey, they had to make this movie a bit interesting.
There are very few jumpscares (which is a good thing for me, since I don't like them) and all of them are very predictable. I was a bit surprised by the ending, but that too isn't very original.
There are some moral questions here and there, the main being "should I save humanity or should I save myself and my friends?"
Nothing that hasn't already been done or seen, anyway...

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This was a no go. Ugly and funny snapchat smile everytime when evil appears, standard horror cliches and predictible as hell. 1/10.

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You know, it didn't have to be such a bad movie. Had they grounded it in a realistic foundation, it would've made much more sense in a psychological thriller type way. Instead, they insist on replicating the idea set forth in Final Destination and made this a supernatural horror with laughable visuals when it came to demonic faces. Look, the movie just felt like one big joke after the next. Disappointing.

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I love that when the gay character was asked who he'd most want to kiss... all the boys just assumed it was them, and seemed totally okay with it. No homophobia.

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It had potential at the start and felt like it could be a great movie a la Final Destination but it didn't really go anywhere interesting and the ending is bad and out of character.

Zero actual scares and only one death made me go oh. The Snapchat filter completely fails at being seen as creepy.

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Those creepy faces already got me when I watched the trailer but the story itself is also pretty good. I really enjoyed this movie and had a couple of jumpscares. The ending surprised me, I thought that was pretty clever. All in all a good movie.

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A complete waste of time. It's not scary unless you think the sound of doors opening or closing is scary (for some reason every time a door opens or closes the volume is turned up to 11 and when a car door slams shut, a handgrenade goes off next to your ear), all the jokes in it fall flat and it has no original ideas of itself (as someone else here in the comments mentioned the ending is ripped off straight from the movie Rings).
It relies on cheap jumpscares; turn around and someone's there, along with a loud noise. And that's all the "scares" you'll have throughout the entire movie.
A non-sensical plot doesn't help much either.

I didn't expect a hardcore horror experience to begin with, but maybe something more along the lines of the first Final Destination movie. But where that movie was at least fun to watch, unfortunately this wasn't.

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Dare: Wake up at 7:20a.m. to see this film on a Sunday. Truth: What starts off as a not unpleasant take off on Final Destination degenerates into a bucket of WTF at the end and ruins what little credence the film had established. Typical PG-13 horror...

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this movie fails so hard at being scary, the plot is bland and the "creepy" face the demon makes is laughable. i can't say i didn't enjoy this movie, but i don't think it was for the reasons the director wanted.

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Not the most thoughtful, scariest, or most thrilling movie ever, but it doesn't really aim to be. It succeeds with a good-enough plot aided by intelligent twists and solid acting. Characters are not challenged to simple truths and dares, but ones that are based on their personal faults and conflicts - a very welcome touch. Won't win any awards, but worth a watch if you're considering it.

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I haven't watched this movie! One thing I don't understand though, since this movie has horrible ratings and everyone hated it, WHY DID IT MAKE x10 ITS BUDGET IN THE BOX OFFICE ?! It's like people are so eager to watch it to hate on it!

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The writers of this movie have some deep mental health problems... This movie is really f***ed up :| But the actors were great so, 7/10 :)

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Very good horror film with an excellent quick storyline, my girlfriend even said that probably will be the second part) recommend for viewing, young guys I'm sure just like it

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