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Triple Threat 2019

Maybe I was expecting too much from this one? Maybe I wanted more kicks and less guns? How come I feel like they wasted so much potential? Why try to have a double crossing story? Why not simply team A wants to get something from Team B. DONE. Not a guy in the middle trying to play both sides for his goal. And I wanted less talking and more fighting!

I do believe my high expectations were realistic seeing that Scott Adkins, Tony Jaa, Michael Jai White and Iko Uwais are all featuring in this one. And I like all of them! So yeah, deep down in my heart I know I can expect a lot of entertainment!

Because that is the only thing I look for in films starring these men. Entertainment in form of great fights and action. No complicated amazing story-lines, no epic character development, no really emotional moments. Just some fancy hard hitting kicks and elbows.

So yeah, when it comes down to that, I was utterly disappointed in Jesse V. Johnson's Triple Threat.

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A whole bunch of great martial arts movie stars from different parts of the world with decent fights but overall... idk, not that kind of movie I'd keep in my collection.

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Jaa, Uwais, and Chen are all talented fighters and reasonable actors too. A shame then that they had to be lumbered with a wooden script and, in Adkins and White, equally wooden actors too.

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It may call for leaving your screen time to time because of poor story but martial arts was very good. Use of guns was not that bad. story was not upto the standards of characters in it.

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Basically The Expendables for modern martial arts stars has some good, but not great, action sequences. No story (I wrote this a day later and already couldn't tell you what it is about) but you don't watch this movie for the story. Entertaining enough, but nothing to it. Doubt I will be revisiting it.

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nice movie ...good fight technick..i love movies like this. :)

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More time and action from Jaa, Uwais, and Chen and less of the other cast and this film would of been half decent but it’s a shame the others let it down. The script wasn’t the best, a little cheesy at times, the effects weren’t great but did love some of the fighting scenes that kept me entertained.

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I had to turn it off after 30 minutes.Waste of time, please don’t watch this

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As much as it pains me to say this (because I love all of the main characters) but this was a MAJOR let down and was honestly the worst movie I’ve watched so far in 2019 :(

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OK Martial arts, but terrible plot. Kinda as expected. Smile :relaxed:

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It is just an okay film. poor performance. No chemistry between characters at all

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