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Trick 'r Treat 2007

Love this movie! Watch it every Halloween :)

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Watched it twice in a row when I first got the Blu-ray. (the second time with the audio commentary) I love it and watch it every Halloween.

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Can't believe I waited this long to watch it...good times...scared the children...mission accomplished

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This was great. It's Goosebumps for Grown-Ups.

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I was a bit apprehensive watching this at first but enjoyed it immensely.

I'd recommend this for people looking for a bit of light fun coupled with a Halloween theme.

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I watched this one on the run-up to Halloween I had seen it in my periphery over the last few years and heard good things, particularly from Cinemassacre who did a review on it.

If you haven't heard of this film you're not alone, it only had a handful of theatrical showings but received a decent good reception and cult status so it's a somewhat hidden gem.

It's a likable horror anthology but in this case, the stories are all connected in some way. This one may now scare the pants off you but it has a little splattering of gore and an atmosphere that will put you in the right mood, so if you didn't catch it this year put it on the list for next October

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A enjoyable horror film. There were some interesting characters (the dad who kills children for example), but there were a lot of annoying characters as well (the kids who 'borrow' jack o' lanterns to sacrifice to the dead for example). The story is very entertaining and doesn't get boring, the music fits the film perfectly. Overall, this film makes you feel like it is halloween already. Defenitely a film that makes you feel the halloween spirit.

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The traditional viewings continue for the 31 Days Of Horror! Always a delight.

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Shout by whitsbrain
BlockedParent2022-01-15T17:05:25Z— updated 2023-10-14T14:38:02Z

I love anthologies. A well told short story is better than a long story arc or a drawn-out character study way more often than not. So, when "Trick 'R Treat" came along, it proved to me that while it's not something the majority of the population wants to see, there are filmmakers out there who still value the format. It's too bad then that "Trick 'R Treat" wasn't more of a treat. It looks great and it has its entertaining moments. I mostly enjoyed the story of an odd girl who gets her revenge from some unlikely assistants and a man who has to deal with a strange trick or treater. Unfortunately, these stories aren't the most original things you'll ever see. They are more a tribute to urban legends and other Halloween clichés. The way that the four stories are intertwined is different. It's not a "Creepshow" style format as there is nothing that truly divides the stories. "Trick 'R Treat" is well done but it's not particularly exciting.

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The cult horror film Trick ‘r Treat is a clever and well-crafted anthology film that delivers some frightful scares. The stories of a group of kids collecting jack-o-lanterns, a homicidal school principal, 4 young girls on the prowl, and a mischievous treat-or-treater all come together and intertwine on one fateful All Hallows’ Eve. Featuring Anna Paquin, Brian Cox, Leslie Bibb, Dylan Baker, and Britt McKillip, the film has a strong cast. And, director Michael Dougherty does a good job at creating an atmospheric and foreboding tone. Also, the costumes have a quaint Americana feel that gives them a timeless quality. However, a couple of the plots are a little hard to follow, and some of the comedy doesn’t work. Yet despite a few rough edges, Trick ‘r Treat is a fun and entertaining homage to the spirit of Halloween.

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When someone say "Halloween" i think in this movie. The movie is the perfect representation on everything this day has to offer you. For me a cult classic that i watch every year in october... I would never get tired to reccomend this one to every person i know cuz everyone deserve to see this film at least one time

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Annoyed with myself for not watching this sooner. A solid horror comedy with a few twists and turns and some enjoyable practical effects. Loved the format of the non-linear, connected story and the resolution to most of the arcs. Good stuff. 

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Just watched this for the first time. Love how you see how all the stories intersect throughout. To find out at the end what the little kid is just crazy. Will add this to my must watch Halloween movie ever year.

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Release year should be 2007 :)

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A compilation of campy Goosebumpy short stories set on the same Halloween night. Although the movie is clearly targeted at a preteen audience, the light-heartedly self-aware humor makes it tolerable for grown-ups as well. The school bus story was a little too boring, though.

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Shout by Acoucalancha
BlockedParent2022-11-01T00:31:25Z— updated 2022-11-02T03:13:24Z

Watch out for this on Halloween it's got a few twisty Tricks up it's sleeve that'll leave you spooked and spirited. Though I advise you not to remove Sam's mask 'r you'll regret it! An absolute Halloween Treat filled with Halloween vibes that boost the Halloween spirit.

We get so many things in one movie zombies, werewolves, serial killers, urban legends, an unhealthy amount of pumpkins, and Sam... such a unique character he needs more movies! The kills are gruesome and the storylines are all great and intersect perfectly.

My favorite scene is when you hear Marilyn Manson's song and werewolves transform. Such a fun but terrifying scene and they actually show the transformation. That serial killer had no idea what he was getting into!

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A good Halloween anthology film. Stories are short and intersect well, some homages to other films in the genre. Nothing amazing here but good for what it’s trying to accomplish.

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Nothing extremely special but it’s definitely a good movie to watch or play in the background during Halloween season

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Top notch horror anthology; intricately integrated storytelling draws you through a variety of stories that range from amusing to frightening. Lots of great film making on display here as is fine acting and decent effects. Well worth the viewing...and make it an annual tradition!

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3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Trick ‘r Treat’:

  1. I love how this film has flown under the radar to become a cult Halloween classic. Our little pumpkin guy, Samhain I believe, can now be seen all over the place as somewhat of a holiday icon. The masks of the school-bus kids have also joined the ranks of cult status.

  2. This movie gives quintessential Halloween vibes. It’s right up there with Hocus Pocus when it comes to cultivating the perfect mood for All Hallows’ Eve… but for grown ups.

  3. We’ve seen interconnecting anthology movies in horror before, but this one does an exceptional job in weaving these tales together, messing with chronology, and giving us a surprising twist or two.

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My new favorite horror anthology after Southbound! All stories are masterfully crafted and seamlessly interwoven.

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Fun Halloween flick with some quality jumpscares and cheesy plot elements. Don't think too hard about how or why any of this is happening, and just enjoy the ride.

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Carving a kids head like a pumpkin was a little too fucked up for my liking.

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This is definitely going into the yearly spooky season rotation. I loved all the intertwined stories that made more sense as the movie went on. Sam is super creepy and scary. Brian Cox, Dylan Baker and Anna Paquin are all great.

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