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Train to Busan 2016

One of the best zombies flim in sometime. There is so much to learn in the movie. Humor, sad, happy and sorrow. No one would expect the movie to be so great. The fun dramatically increase as the movie goes.

Who would guess someone would be so scary as one finally turned in to into zombies. Humans are scary creatures. Selfishness among the same species. No good, no bad. Finally, the one who survives and live on are those who suffered the most.

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this film is pretty bad, don't bother

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If they added comedy to the genre type I might have scored it higher.

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First of all, never thought I would watch a Korean movie. This is my first Korean movie and I have to say that its a very good start. The movie is gripping right from the word Go till the last min. Seok Woo and Sang Hwa's combo fighting of crossing the car to rescue is the highlight of the movie Overall a complete entertainer

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Not only one of the best horrors I've seen this year, but one of the best films I think I've seen in a very, very long time.

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This movie could be renamed #WorstBirthdayEver.

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That girl can't sing to save her life. But you need to be one stone faced chad to not shed a tear.

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Most depressing Zombie-Movie I've ever seen, nonetheless a first-class ride

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I went into this thinking that it was a horror movie. That's what I expected, a horror movie, what I got was a lot of tears and some alcohol in my system. There is horror but it's shown more in human nature, how selfish we become in face of danger.

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This film surpasses it's zombie subgenre - it's a heartbreaking and gruelling tale of a father's fight for his daughter's survival. All other characters along the way are equally compelling. And the movie is a fresh take on an overused subject - don't expect guns, machetes, chainsaws and tanks - this is a raw and emotional fight you're in for.

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Apparently if the people in Zombie makeup scream loud enough, run fast enough, and are filmed on a shakey enough cam, it counts as a "good" movie? It dealt with some interesting themes of selfishness, and had some suspenseful moments, but by the end I felt disappointed. Entirely forgettable...

It was like Snowpiercer meets World War Z, without the things that made them both enjoyable and original.

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wtf. i guess whatever I typed was posted. anyway, it was an okay movie. wasn't terrifying. zombies weren't original. anyway, are there any zombies that are original nowadays? the source of the virus wasn't fully explained. I find the CEO guy so funny, he would do anything to survive, but I guess it's not the survival of the assholes. all in all. 5.5/10 for me.

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I don't know how I could missed this movie.
But I'm really glad that I have seen it now!

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Just found this and Wow what a ride .All action from start to finish. Reminded me of the classic Dawn of the Dead. Definitely so much more than a regular zombie movie. Excellent in every way.

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What a fantastic movie. I honestly couldn't see how they were going to make this work. They did. It's the first horror flick in a long time to make me teary eyed. I waited forever because I'm lazy about subtitles. I'm learning. One of the best zombie flicks I've seen in awhile. Don't sleep (any longer) on it!

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Thought this was gonna be a fun zombie flick to watch with a friend. By the end of the movie I was bawling my eyes out.

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I never thought I could cry (like a babie by the way) in a movie without a dying dog. This is the best zombie movie I've seen. It's amazing how the director could put so much mixed feelings in a zombie story. What about the last 10 minutes? God... I love this movie.

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It is by no means original, owing a debt to the glut of zombie movies already out there. But this is a film that works primarily on the strength of its set pieces which are brilliantly staged and uses the contained setting to its advantage. The characters are archetypes from just about every other movie involving a group trying to survive, but the film does enough to make you care about the main characters and their survival resulting in a tense and involving film that is hugely entertaining.

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One of the best zombie movies ever.
This is a ride full of feels. If you got them, this movie will be tugging at your heartstrings right up until the end.

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South Korea produces some really fun tv series, but they simply don't know how to make horror movies. Even so, I assure you this is a rare gem and one of the best zombie movies you'll ever watch in your life and by far the best from the last years!
It worked very well as both a zombie and action/drama movie. Specially good on showing how awful humans are when their lives are in the stake and the only reason I don't give it a 10 is thanks to the way that was highlighted in the movie's ending.

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The train currently sitting at Platform 4 is the 101 service to Busan. During this journey, please keep all limbs close to your torso as flappy arms may result in biting and zombiefication.

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This is the best zombie movie since the remake of Dawn of the Dead. The zombies are creepy, and so much fun to watch. The film has great characters and tons of action. There are some sentimental moments, some of which don't quite work, but they do little to detract from the overall movie. I just loved this and need to watch it again soon.

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Really really great zombie movie. It's got action, humor, and some tear jerkers. An instant classic.

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hands down the best zombie movie ever

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The antagonist blows up and really plays the role exceptionally well, a role that is really going to piss people off.

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I thought i didn’t need yet another zombie flick in my life and it turns out i was right. While Train To Busan didn’t feel like a waste of time to me, it certainly felt like a wasted opportunity. For all the praise it got, i thought this could have been the film to transcend the self-imposed restrictions of the genre. Instead it turned out to be just an unusually slick and well-made zombie movie. One of the best, for sure. In a genre so overdone by now, that’s not enough to warrant the accolades in my view. If you’re really into the genre, this is probably a must-watch. If you’re as tired of zombies as i am though, i suggest you watch the japanese indie hit One Cut Of The Dead instead, which is a truly fun and original take on the genre.

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Out of the sludge of zombie over saturation rises this effective little thriller, that is tense, has some great action scenes and emotional impact, thanks to some strong performances. There's also some heavy-handed social commentary that's actually played pretty well. I really dug it.

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I heard and read it's a good movie, was hoping it would be a good movie but did not think it would be as great as it was. Love or hate the genre, this is one of the best movies I have seen this year. Has it's ups n downs but will leave you literally tired at the end, the good kind of tired :-)

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This movie was amazing!! loved it, havent seen a great movie like this in a while! No wonder why there was a bidding war to remake this. Studio Gaumont finally won the bidding war, hopefully they do the remake justice.

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Oh my god. The worst piece of s*** I've ever seen in my life. I cannot even start to describe how retarded this movie and everyone in it is...

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Definitely the best zombie movie I've seen.

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The actors playing the zombies go allllll f'n in mannnnn I was daaaaamnnn that dudes poor neck from air snappin for hours and broke necking and limbs haaaaa worth watching just for their performance

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Kerean movie does better jobs than others in satirizing human nature and criticizing politics. Just like The Terror Live.

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Probably one of the best movies I've ever seen. I felt an incredible mix of emotions, I cried a lot and I was able to fully empathize with the characters.

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The ending broke my fucking heart.
Also, I was hoping on a more gruesome ending for that selfish fucker, his death felt unsatisfying.

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I'm kind of zombied out, but as such films go, this is a good one. I don't think it sticks the landing as it gets up its own posterior, but entertaining and great pacing until the final frames.

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lot of character changes you can witness as the plot thickens, this one's a good family entertainer.

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Okay..... now that I've let that anger out... Great GREAT thriller. They say horror is just a way to, through the supernatural or otherwise unreal, expose mankind and actual society's own monsters. This movie does a really good job at questioning one's priorities, criticising capitalist society (the comparison between a fund manager and a zombie was delicious) and exploring human nature. It's always good when, along with all that philosophical thinking, we can also have fun shouting "RUN" at our screens for two hours. Loved it. My only criticism is that my boyfriend Choi Wooshik should have lived, but at least he died an honourable death, rip .

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"Sorry, but you're infected."

There are a few low budget fx moments, but the acting and suspense were great. With everything going on in the world, I could totally see how there would be different types of reactions to a zombie outbreak, and they did a good job of showing how we are. Zombie movies can be either corny or scary, and they managed to stay on the thriller side, and I enjoyed it.

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The thing I like the most in this movie is the realism, I know, realism in a zombie apocalypse is the last thing you expect, but it happens. The reactions of the characters are believable and consistent, and they managed to make character development in a movie with less than two hours, something series fail to do in 16 episodes on the same genre. I specially liked the ending and find it fitting, just wished more people had survived, there was one character, or two, whose deaths i thought were quite unnecessary, but still worked, because they not only served to set the "emergency" mood of do or die, but showed how broken certain characters became through the process.

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Shout by Miss FoXXXy33
BlockedParent2020-07-17T04:22:20Z— updated 2023-02-02T14:47:18Z

I dont know why I waited to watch this!! Excellent film. Acting at its best. Get over the subtitles. This is one of the best zombie pictures of all times. Ma Dong-Seok is an impecable actor (in any language) Gong Yoo, (main actor) plays a father taking his daughter on a b-day trip to see her mom. Not bad on the eyes either:heart_eyes:Little did they know it was a life or death (or turn to zombie) train ride. Can not wait for part 2. Sad to say my 2 favourite actors will not be in this... Unless there Zombies!
I will be surprised if you dont love this movie!

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it was a great zombie movie hands down...
every side of human nature is shown ..there was fear, anger, emotion, sadness, bonding, helpfulness, selfishness etc everything...
not just only zombies and killings ...a true situation is portrayed if humankind faces this kind of threat... loved it..

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Great Korean zombie movie. These are zombies on steroids! But there is more to this picture than just zombies. It’s the struggle to live, and a power struggle within the survivors. Greed or the common good? A moral dilemma that plays out in this film. It’s a great watch.

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One of those films that have a misleading poster.

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(second viewing)
This is what 28 Weeks Later should've been.

1.5 / 2 directing & technical aspect
.5 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

1 / 1 misc (great pacing, great movie)

8 / 10

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I didn't like this movie overall.
But zombies are the best ever made for movies and series.

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A very good zombie film held back by Korean cinematic flare/tropes and an unnecessary long run-time and characters, some stupid survivor logic, and silly scenes. Hard to completely ruin trains with zombies though, just think it's fairly over-hyped.

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Train to Busan

A South Korean Zombie film that over stays it's welcome.
This film does the zombie part great and is shot fantastically for it's setting.
However the characters felt cliché & the melodrama was laid on far too thick.
I adored the score.


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Didn't expect to enjoy this movie so much. Something I really liked was how no one was sacrificed for shock value, which I feel is kinda prominent in a lot of movies and tv shows. For example, I feel like it would've been very easy to kill off a certain character and have everyone react in a, "Wow that's messed up" way, but I felt like every sacrifice served a purpose and made me cry- I mean, made sense.

Great acting, great writing, not so great heart rate but I forgive them.

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Script,directing,plot,acting skills everything was perfect in this movie just loved it.Probably best movie with zombies i enjoy it as hell!

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One of the best zombie movies of all time. It's all there: tension, a amazing background history, and great characters to root for. The end was just too sad and depressing, but at the same time, very poetic! Just watch this movie if you love this genre! It have everything you wanna see in a zombie movie!

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wow! this was one heck of a zombie film. I liked that it didn't show any flesh eating stuff only blood which made it more watchable and less gory. Great story, nice tense and action.

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Just brilliant and absolutely terrifying. Korea doesn't have many works featuring zombies, but it still outshines many other Hollywood zombie flicks I've seen.

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Predictable, uninspired characters, minimal gore, plastic and emotionless. Like a zombie movie for 12 year olds.

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Wow! An incredibly comfortable viewing experience. Good storyline and lots of wonderfully made scenes. Also somewhat touching. I'm so glad I watched this. I strongly recommend!

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Yikes, this is one of the best zombie movies I have ever watched. Gong Yoo had a great performance as did Ma Dong-seok. Not a lot of "why did you do that" moment here. the tension was intense and character development was done well so the deaths really hit you.

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Probably my favorite zombie movie ever I didnt expect it to be this good.

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This Definitely was heading towards a 10/10 but what stops this is It labeled as a Horror??

More Action and Thrilling than Horror

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An astoundingly good film. Almost every emotional beat worked on me perfectly.

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This was amazing and such a beautiful film, too. Quite terrifying, but also intellectual zombie movie which touches on human selfishness and innocence. I had been looking forward to watching this for some time, and South Korea certainly didn't disappoint with their zombie horror film!

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100% agree with other comments, this is a cracking zombie film, Korea gives its own twist to the zombie genre, and works so well. The pace of the film, and outbreak is similar to the bullet train, it whips along. And the performances from the actors are outstanding, especially after that change!

Highly recommended, best zombie film in years!

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tbh. it isn't as awesome as some says. It reminds of me movie Z zombies.

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Actors where up to the task, they are the best feature of the movie. The movie had great potential and it kept me to the seat even after it became plastic and Hollywood ish in the end. Many would disagree with me but that's at least that's how I see it. What I want from a movie is to surprise me to take me in a fantasy away from this bad world we live in and take me somewhere different, to challenge me and in the end don't leave me in depressed mood. The movie tried to be a breath of freshness so much it became the very same it tried not to be.
Actors and depth of characters lead the movie to be better then it should. On the other hand zombies and everything about them were an anchor for the movie.
Few movies like this including series Squied games makes me eager to see what future of movie makers outside of Hollywood can give us at least show or if you want give Hollywood studios another perspective as it was with Amazon Netflix studios. Good competition is coming i hope

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Didn't expect to cry to a zombie movie but goddamn this hit hard

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Mind blown. I went through all range of emotions through the time I was glued to the screen. Granted I had to read subtitles but still. I cried. I admit it.

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More brain dead than zombies, anyone who thinks this is somehow a 10 or revolutionary or one of the best zombie movies needs to see more zombie movies. It's filled to the brim with tropes, stupid choice, uninteresting characters, and survivors who can't survive "damn my gf get turned because of the guy who can't stop causing the death of people? better not do anything and die with her in my arms" I want to blast my brains out

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Effective horror film with a lot of bite. I have suffered worse train journeys but this is still an entertaining ride.

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Great! And...
As a person can ruin all others

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Good story with a wide range of emotions throughout the movie.

Characters 8/10
Story 8/10
Pacing 7/10
Visuals 8/10
Rewatchability Factor 6/10
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 8/10
Average Score 7.5/10

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A pretty good zombie movie.

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The little girl acted so well. But the film itself was not a big deal for me.

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Basic zombie movie ig? But we all know Korean zombie movies are GGOOODDD. Surprisingly I didn’t cry soo…

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Generic zombie movie but on a train.

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One of the best zombie movies. Up there with Shaun of the Dead (but not a comedy).

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The Sadness was good, but this was better. Tension is way high, and it just mounts and mounts until it climaxes in a sequence very close to the end. Not as grisly as The Sadness, despite the crazed zombies that behave similarly (nothing like the slow zombies in The Walking Dead or most other zombie movies), but a better structured film overall, with some deftly crafted sequences holding it together.

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Damn that was fukin beautiful

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A surprisingly moving, very intense fast zombie. Gets the lessons of Romero correct in a fresh setting!

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This movie is like any other generic zombie movie, though I did like the train aspect because trains are cool. I felt no attachment to any of the characters except for two - I won't say their names for spoiler reasons but one of them died. Also, I'd like to mention the stupidest decision in this movie - when you know a bite infects you, maybe not put your hand over their mouth. I know that's a shocking idea, who would have thought, aye? And another thing, why is always pregnant women in these zombie flicks? I was excited for this movie after hearing Dylan is in Trouble mention it but I was pretty let down.

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Shout by Andrés

There might have never been a deadlier character in the history of zombie movies… That ending was a bit unnecessary :’( :disappointed_relieved:

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A zombie movies go, this was a rather good one. Obviously many ridiculous things but still an alright story and lots of drama. Predictable at some points and not realistic at others.

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First I teared from adrenaline.

and then I cried from heart break.

good movie. why did it take me so long to see this. ugh

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This, in my opinion, is probably in the top 10 best Zombie movies of all time! Yes, some low budget moments, but honestly, alot of great movies have those moments. The ending was intriguing as well. I love the plot twists. All in all great movie thank you!

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I read so many great things about this movie that my expectations were through the roof. It's a good, entertaining movie but BEST ZOMBIE MOVIE EVER? lol, don't make laugh.

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Amazing Zombie movie. A lot of emotion, comedy and drama in the right balance. A simple yet very effective plot and very aggressive zombies (kinda like world war
Z but more realistic)

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Throughly great was that little girl WHAT A STAR:blush:

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Good movie definitely on my re-watch list

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I've put this movie off for years. Partly because I didn't know what to expect, and partly because I didn't want to watch "a zombie movie". Man was I wrong though. I don't think I've even seen a Korean movie before besides Snowpiercer, if that counts when the entire thing is in English.

This is probably the best zombie movie ever. I'd have to watch 28 Days Later again to confirm that opinion, but after first watch it sure feels that way. All of the acting is great (in particular Ma Dong-seok who is just cool as hell and sort of reminds me of Japan's Beat Takeshi) with characters you get attached to and villains you hate, the scenarios are thought out where action isn't the only way to defeat or escape the zombies, and there are legitimately scary and tense moments through the entire film.

This isn't just a great "zombie movie" or even just a great "horror/action/thriller" movie. This is just a great movie that totally destroys the chains of its genre. Can't wait for the sequel this summer.

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Very good film about zombies.

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I absolutely love this movie.

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Fuck that shit! The movie kills the main guy, and for what? Do not lose your time!

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I have had it with these motherf'ing zombies on this motherf'ing train!!!! - Neville Flynn

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best zombie movie ever. thought that ending.... lets just say i was not expecting that

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I've watched too many emotional movies in a row, gosh darn it.

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it is a great zombie movie, I would not call it the best horror movie I have ever seen. but as a thriller it is a rare gem from Korea.

I think the directors and others involved wanted to piggyback on the success of the movie "Snowpearser". That combined with zombie genre and a good logical storyline resulted in a successful film project.

I hope that this movie will contribute to the success of Asian film making, especially that of Korean production.

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Wow, that was not bad. Not bad at all.

Okay, sometimes the korean overacting comes in, but i expected much less than that.

Watchable movie with some great 'Stand-Offs'

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Absolutely a great zombie moving. The acting on the part of those turning into zombies was top notch, and it features a lot of Asian tropes: like the classic zombie surge. :)

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