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Tomboy 1985

The leads have no chemistry, the script is stilted as fuck, the whole premise feels incredibly weird in 2019, and even trying to orientate to the views of the 80s feels hard when the general attitudes of everyone seems to be that a woman's role is to just date and look pretty.

It was nice to see Richard Erdman in his younger years, but outside of that, the film had very little in the ways of redeeming features. But, it made a profit in 1985 so I guess that is all that really matters.

(Also, if you have any interest or knowledge of motor racing this film will be excruciating at times because all of the racing talk and shots are just awful. How much would it have cost to hire a stunt driver to actually drive the cars quickly.)

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I know the story is all over the place and that this movie isn't considered "good" by most standarts that you'd apply to a movie, but I tend to rate a movie by how much I enjoyed it and I enjoyed this movie a lot. Betsy Russel looks stunning in her role and the entire movie, however dumb it may be, has such a charm to it that I'm sure I'll watch it many more times in the future.

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