It is stunningly amazing movie, loved the fantasy elements and how they were portraited. The two main actors were really good in their roles. The love story might not be for everyone I guess but I really enjoyed it. It was not that random as people say. And in a way it is a happy ending so kudos for that.

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A boring, glorified love story that never really delivers anything. There are some interesting scenes, but they are few and far between and last for 10 seconds in a nearly 2 hour film. The story is interesting, but sadly has about as much substance as wafer thin ham. This is one for you to stream at home, so you can turn it off after 10 minutes and watch something more enjoyable.

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Loving crafted and well acted film where the characters mostly swap stories and discuss what it means to love.

The pacing is a bit weird and slow at times but overall the movie has a lot to say and says it well. It reminded me of The Fall in some ways, and I mean that as a compliment.

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When all cinema has to offer these days are rehashes, sequels and prequels, it's nice when you find a product that's truly unique. Although based on a short story by A.S. Byatt, Three Thousand Years Waiting for You is new and original, and that alone makes it worth seeing.

But it is also an excellent film about betrayal, desires and waiting. But above all, it is a film about love. Idris Elba and Tilda Swinton give an impeccable performance (which one can easily imagine in a play), interspersed with visual effects that are delightful. Both keep you gripped and your heart in a fist, doubting whether it will end as you think it will, or whether this story, as the protagonist says, will be written by her in her own handwriting.

An Australian surprise from a director who has accustomed us to visual spectacles (Mad Max: Fury Road).

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A visually stylish and elegant love story set in a fantasy world. I found the fantasy parts and world building to be much more alluring that the love story parts. Tilda and Idris were both great in their roles but I was never convinced about their chemistry and found it very random what both characters went for. My favorite parts of the movie were the flashbacks but I wasn't the biggest fan of everything in the present.

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Shout by Sheepie
BlockedParent2022-09-13T09:30:51Z— updated 2022-10-12T02:22:43Z

A beautiful story, very well told, but the ending leaves me wanting. After everything in the main leadup to the crux of the movie, the ending was just underwhelming.

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A sprawling, fantastic love story told with stunning production and subtle craft. Don’t skip the big screen experience on one of the greatest filmmakers to ever do it.

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What an unusual movie. The pacing was erratic and the arc was fractured but the one thing that could hold this film together was going to be the casting of the two lead characters and they nailed it. Tilda Swinton and Idris Elba were the glue for this far sweeping fantasy. It wasn’t until the credits rolled that I realized we had been serenaded by a beautiful score from the very beginning. This will not be a film for everyone but in it’s genre it is fresh and transcendent. I give this film an 8 (an homage to the power of stories) out of 10. [Drama Romance]

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Good movie. The story kept me interested. At the end of the day I'd say it was a love story.

Most of the movie takes place over a night in a hotel room. But the Jinn is telling stories about his past. I enjoyed each of the stories and the way they progressed you through the film. Overall it was just a good movie with a great story.

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Beautiful in every detail, Tilda and Idris delivering an astonishing performance by simply talking about what love really is.

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I love the first part of the movie with all the stories that the Djinn tells her, how they tell his story. But I find the second part rather forced, and rushed. It felt like the only reason they were together in the end was due to it had happened to him before, so it should happen again, and she forced it as well where it has happened naturally before. It didn't feel real nor appropriate. Good movie but sadly wished for another ending.

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I wish I'd have chosen to just rewatch Fury Road

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they had me in the first half. after the first wish it lost all steam

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Okay. Very imaginative. Iridis is spectacular. It's a wonderful story. The acting is very good overall. The script and story interesting. The visual effects spectacular.

I liked it overall but it's just not my cup of tea. I gave it a 6 and that's a stretch. For me personally, in spite of being a big fan of Iridis, I just didn't get into it. Maybe it was the stereotypical geeky, pale white, redhead lost in books. It was really good, but just felt like it never truly connected. Something was missing. Chemistry between the actors, directing being off? Not sure.

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Best film Idris Elba has starred in. It's about loneliness, longing, memories and magic. This film is really so well written and produced it really has thrilled me. This is a film where the dialogue matters, almost an adult fairy tale. Beautiful

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In my opinion, it's a beautiful and sad movie about a brilliant, lonely, autistic woman who copes with loss and her challenges with human connection by maladaptive daydreaming. Suspending disbelief, you get an alternate tale about a lonely scholar who has a romantic adventure with a djinn. Works either/both ways.

I enjoyed the exposition, delivered expertly by seasoned actors, though I felt it could be improved further by more imagery and more action. Still, they did rather well, considering they filmed during the height of the covid pandemic and had to skip two of their three locations.

7.5/10 - for telling Fanny and Clemetine and their bigoted ilk to fuck off, and then showing them what they were missing.

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Visually imaginative and wonderfully played by Elba and Swinton.

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I started watching this movie with some trepidation because it seemed like it could go either way. In the end, I found it to be slow and mostly boring with a few bits of action here and there that were moderately interesting. I think the CGI was decent, the acting was good but the story just wasn't told, in my opinion, in a compelling way that made me want to get drawn into the movie.

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If I'm bored, I would also like to intertwine stories, stories in Jin's stories, some kind of feedback on them in our fresh, so to speak Zeitgeist. For example, like in "Big Fish"? However, I don't want to at all. The film came out beautiful and light, with a little sadness. Excellent!

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A visual delight and stories are well told. There is; however, something missing. Still I'd recommend it as a visual treat w solid acting by the main pair. 6.7

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Decent sentimental film, it does not leave much but can be seen.

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Interesting story. flashback stories were good but i also agree it didn't really payoff in the end. Still enjoyed it...

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Like receiving someone else's love letter, it was well put together and even poetic but really not for me.

I'm giving this film a recommend because it succeeds in being what it wants to be, unfortunately for me it sets out to be a romantic comedy without the comedy and I'm not one for romance.

Still, the performances are exceptional and the directing is stellar, as well.

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very much surprised about this amazing movie and it’s story, highly recommended

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Well, I guess I expected more than a love story from a djinn movie... but it was a nicely told story.

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This is the worst movie from George Miller I’ve ever seen. Pity, I had higher expectations especially after recalling his previous work and favorable reviews. Cinematography is great though.

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I really enjoyed this movie. According to Wikipedia, it's based on "The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye" by A. S. Byatt. Amazing visuals, sound and story telling.

There were a few "woke" preachy bits towards the end that adds no value. But I'm getting used to cancelling out that noise.

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It was curious and different

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the reason why woman make love complicated

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It's a beautiful story about stories with several more beautiful stories.
I want number 2 with more stories.

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Shout by Schmoogie
BlockedParent2024-01-01T03:01:10Z— updated 2024-01-06T02:32:50Z

Three Thousand Years of Longing - :heart:x7

Way too much narration for my taste - BUT - the story is creatively interesting and makes the movie definitely worth watching.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Shout by H

I’d like the 2 hours and 8 minutes of my life that I wasted on this back please

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Shout by Mike

In "Three Thousand Years of Longing," there were some positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, the historical stories and the visual effects from ancient Egypt were well-done, and the mystical element of the bottle genie was intriguing.

However, there were some issues that detracted from the overall experience. Firstly, the movie lacked action and could have benefitted from more excitement. Additionally, the missed opportunities to explore the classic trope of being careful what you wish for were a disappointment.

But what really ruined the movie for me was the forced love story. It felt unnecessary and detracted from the overall plot. I would have preferred more focus on the mystical elements and the consequences of the genie's actions.

All in all, "Three Thousand Years of Longing" had some positive elements, but the lack of action, missed opportunities, and unnecessary love story left me feeling underwhelmed.

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The best most interesting parts are the flashbacks.

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Nice performance good pacing and interesting story telling. Expected it to end a bit different. But it was ok. Great visuals.

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It was ok with an ok ending but not action-packed like the trailer would have you believe. Its a love story basically.

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