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Thirteen Lives 2022

Having seen both this and the documentary, I really appreciated Howard's widening the scope to include the less visible helpers, like the farmers whose crops were ruined and the water engineers/laborers. Beautifully made. Might just be Ron Howard's best work for me.
No dramatization of anything. No portrayal of politics, or the rights and the wrongs. A movie that truly honors the people, the volunteers involved in the rescue, and most importantly the people who lost their lives.

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Good, pretty long, but good 7/10.

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Definitely a worth while movie. It's well paced. Keeps you on the edge of your seat and anxious (even knowing the outcome). I think the cast has done quite well to showcase the difficult situation. I particularly liked Joel Edgerton's portrayal of Dr. Harry and the his thoughts in during what was a very tense time.

If you're on the fence, you should watch it!

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Absolutely phenomenal film that, with the help of an amazing Sound Production, really gives you a glimpse as to what it was like for the divers attempting to rescue the team and coach. You are put into their wetsuits and feel every bang of the head, hear every laboured breath, feel every tension that they go through. A simply excellent movie.

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This story shows you how the human spirit can be inspiring if we all focus on what's actually important in life rather than focusing on money and power and greed and success like most humans believe.

If aliens visited earth and saw the effort that was put by all the volunteers from all over the world risking their lives and livelihoods to save a bunch of kids - they might actually spare the human race. But if they visited a board meeting at a big pharma company or the offices of a faceless hedge-fund on Wall Street then they will annihilate the human race (for good reason).

In terms of production, the movie is excellent. The story telling, production, realism, and acting all amazing.

PS: Poor Ron Howard got the measurements wrong - the boys were 2.5 miles (not 2500 meters) inside the cave.

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I've watched a ton of TV and Films this year that have come out to much hype that I have found underwhelming to say the least, so it was nice that this film slipped out on Amazon Prime without much fanfare or build up to be one of the enjoyable 2022 releases I’ve seen.
Ron Howard mentioned on Mark Kermode’s podcast that Farrell and Mortensen asked for prep time to learn how to dive (hardly surprising considering Viggo is infamous for disappearing on his horse into the New Zealand wilderness during Lord of the Rings casting) and the film is all much stronger for it, Howard brings his eye for documentary making to the direction and you feel right up there with the divers throughout.

Colin being teamed up with Viggo appears to have brought out the best in Farrell; he delivers a low-key performance that his genuinely great to see. Viggo is excellent as always but he’s one to not accept a role unless he believes in it, so you always know he’ll bring his A-game.

If you have Prime Video this is a no-brainer to check out.

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Honest, Tense, Gripping,

Thirteen Lives is not a gasp-inducing action adventure that you might assume it to be but is a faithful and honest adaptation of the biggest rescue operation in the history of Thailand. Ron Howard's direction is fantastic In extremely difficult conditions and settings he has made a tension-filled episode of the great operation. Viggo Mortensen and Collin Farrell as the British divers are exceptional. The production value, the actors involved and the reimagining of all circumstances along the operation is presented in a way close to reality with no theatrics and drama. I wished they could have added a bit more scenes with the boys and their conversations in the tough time. Even the background sound could have been much better to build the tension around it. Overall though, a thoughtful and gripping re-telling of what happened, and ALL of the people who helped to save them proving as a triumph of the human spirit.

Check my page

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Shout by Demi

Let me tell you, I was STRESSED while I was watching this. I was STRESSED.

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Great film. When I saw Vern in the cast list I wondered how they would handle this with all the social media goings on and it was all completely ignored in favour of focusing on the rescuers and the kids. Treated very well like United 93, Apollo 13 etc

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The fact that we knew the outcome robbed the film from the tension. Also that there's a much better Nat Geo documentary about it.

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The rescue of thirteen kids in a cave. What did they get in for?

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I will rate this film water/10

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I really love movies, based on real events. This movie is about humanity. It is not yet lost.
I hadnt heard about this story by now and this movie did what it was supposed to - this story must be spread.

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Masculinity is awesome. So good.

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One of the best movies I've seen this year.. From start to finish it keep you glued to your seat..10/10

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Just when you thought the crisis is about to get resolved, bigger and more complex challenges arise from all sides; and as those things unfold, it touches not only the obvious and notable domestic/social aspects, but more significantly, it tackles the political side of things and reveals the true motives and agendas of each character involved. This roller coaster of a real-life drama-thriller is definitely a must see.

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This is a great movie from start to finish. It leaves no stone unturned showing how much thought and work went into rescuing the thirteen. I wouldn't call it a miracle, I'd call it hard work, science, resilience and a bit of luck.

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And the fact it was all real… A must-watch

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Even though I've seen The Rescue twice already and know this story pretty well, I was still enthralled with the portrayals in this film. I was struck by the focus on the boys and what they were dealing with that wasn't dealt with much in the documentary. Mortensen, Farrell, and Edgerton played the parts very well and captured what I feel like those men are truly like based on listening to interviews with them.

Well done keeping me on the edge of my seat.

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[Prime Video] Despite having the advantage of fiction, Ron Howard needs an hour more than "The rescue" to tell the same story from the same point of view (the version of the rescued will be released by Netflix in a series) . And with all that, it fails to achieve the suspense and emotion necessary to transcend the conventional story. He focuses so much on the rescue that he forgets to give the characters depth.

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Amazing story expertly retold by a phenomenal filmmaker in Ron Howard and his cast. Superb. 9.3

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Incredible (true) story !
Even though I knew how it was going to end, the suspense worked beautifully which is quite an achievement.

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An inspirational and often nail biting true story. Thank God (in the literal sense) for the men who risked their lives to save the boys from the flooded cave. They are heroes.

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