The whole thing felt like... other people's children. Annoying, cheesy, hyperactive, tiresome and they remind you why you don't have any of your own. The acting was the worst, kids and adults included. The music was too loud and felt out of place. Lots of movie references, I got: Evil Dead, It, Peacemaker (series), The Descent and it felt like a Stephen King story somehow. First hour felt awful but the rest was mildly enjoyable and the final shot was the best. Wanted to know more about the origin of it all.

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I really enjoy weird horror. Something about pushing the boundaries of what we come to know and love in horror movies always gets appreciated by me. While "Children of the Corn" will forever be greater in comparison, this one a short and sweet appetizer for people that like the genre.

Rating: 2.5/5 - 7/10 - Worth Watching

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what the eff...that ending shot was crazy!! ok this movie has some quality cinematography! It has a lot going for it in spin-off or prequel territory in the future, because I like the mystery behind the giant pit in the ruins. (I've got so many questions.) so many questions come up. I love that it's got Evil Dead and Children of the Corn vibes! Its like some Stephen King-ness.
Also the sound design and score kept my attention the whole time!

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good to watch when pissed, had some laughs.

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Was pretty average. The acting was a bit cringy at times.

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0 FUCKING STARS!!! DO NOT WATCH THIS PILE OF DOG SHIT MOVIE! THE WRITER/PRODUCER SHOULD NEVER EVER EVER MAKE ANOTHER MOVIE EVER!! TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What's wrong with this movie? Lots. (Sorry, but I had to do it). The children are weird, but you never really know why (something mysterious that's never explained), and they aren't as menacing or creepy as kids in other similar films. The adults are fine but you never get too attached to them. And the kills aren't very inventive so there's not a lot here really. It really feels like a half baked film that probably should have been left in the drawer.

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Sadly, it's nothing I haven't seen before and the kids were more laughable than menacing, which is a shame.

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This one had me at the edge of my s.. bed since Lucy sad "we're fine". Beautifully shot, there was no night/dark scene during which I'd complain about most seeing anything (happens often with horror) don't know what some people have against the acting in this movie, it's not bad at the very least, Margaret and Lucy felt very persuasive. Wish we got some backstory, it's becoming a norm for movies like this to not expand on the murderous entity/person/item and focus on anything that drives the story instead
10/10 cause I haven't had such a fun ride in a long time

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I found out what's wrong with the children: they're boring and predictable.

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suprising, weird and not what i expected. not the best, ending was a little bit weak and some things make no sense to me but maybe thats the intention. nevertheless i had a pretty good time watching it.

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Hella cheesy, especially the music, but murderous children will always catch my attention. Wasn’t great, but I didn’t regret watching it

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There's something wrong with this movie. It''s formulaic for one thing and it's not particularly well made. The soundtrack is decent enough - reminiscent of an 80s horror track - but it should have been used for a better movie than this one.

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What a waste of time

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Shout by Lunaivy

Its a remake of that 80s horror,but was snowing outside and the kids started attack and kill the family.

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Slow build to something. I'm left with questions.

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