Another horror movie bites the dust

A good ol' barn-based horror movie. With the combination of a poorly written script, mediocre acting with an awful combination of clichés. What little suspense or dread the title might have evoked is shown to be a cunning bunch of elves. Yep, you read that right. This movie takes a strange turn by making the "something" in the barn not a menacing monster or vengeful spirit, but a family of mischievous elves. Unfortunately, this twist doesn't land as well as it could have.

They try to fit in bunch of humour to the already shallow storyline, and it falls completely flat. The story has nothing to offer except unoriginal and cliché moments with forced comedy and disappointing character. For a "horror" movie I expected atleast a teeny bit of suspense but no. Overall a disappointing and an extremely forgettable experience

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Very very fun to watch, a lot of funny stereotypes and good killing scenes. Recommended

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First half: Almost family friendly if you take away the kills. Very festive with lots of Christmas decorations, good looking winter landscapes and a cozy looking house set. Some story elements reminded me of The Grinch. It'll lose a lot of people in that first half, it's such a stretch before the action starts and the comedic attempts don't really land. It's constantly on the verge of being campy fun but it never gets there unfortunately. The characters are at least mildly enjoyable and the acting is ok.⠀5/10

Second half: The movie completely transforms into non-stop campy fun absurdity! There's still a few missed attempts but the comedy is now better. The kills look good to me for the type of movie this is (needed more of them though). I like that they took actors of short stature to do the Elves instead of some cheap CGI or something. This half had Krampus vibes. The tone of this movie is the biggest criticism I can give it, it's all over the place... once I finished the movie I can finally confirm this is way more lighthearted and joyful, don't expect actual horror.⠀7/10

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Eat half the family and it's an 8... Ppphhhfffrrrttt

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It's like Gremlins, but bad

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Martin Starr shines brightly but poor editing and unfocussed drection scuppers this Christmas horror comedy.

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It was more of a comedic horror movie than anything else. It's worth a look if you just need something on.

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Content is king. This film is a mess. It's all over the place. While some of the cinematography and production are nice, the tone is wholly uneven and the writing is terrible.

The film doesn't know what it wants to be. It's not funny, frightening, campy, or clever. It's stupid. From the first time someone speaks... and this trend continues to when the credits roll. What a waste of time and money for all involved and us, those who watched it.

What a disappointment. It could so easily have been better. The writer and director deserve lumps of coal for the remainder of their holidays. This film is closer to a 4 than a 6.

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This was extremely entertaining! Funny little Gremlins (yes we all understood that, go beyond that and actually see the movie) with funny scenes. One more in the pile of Christmas horror films that make you laugh and keep you entertaining more than Scream or Thanksgiving.

Also let's call it since everyone is thinking it, no way that guy nailed that woman as wife.

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