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There Are Monsters 2013

Honestly, if There are Monsters was just uploaded to YouTube as an independent thing with a few tweaks to editing and dialogue, I think it'd be a helluva lot more praised and well-known given today's climate of horror ARGs and whatnot.

It's definitely amateur, the score is unnecessary and cheap, the editing is very shoddy in some places, and a fair amount of the script is weak in lines and particular characters being unrealistic as hell.

But beyond that, I think there's actually a pretty decent story to be found, and while the effects are pretty standard "Liquify Tool" shots, they're pulled off better than you'd expect. The "scare timing", if there is such a thing, seems pretty adept when it comes to how quickly or slowly these shots and events hit you. I also very much like the little details of "they're not people" activity, I appreciate those aspects being given the attention they deserve without being thrown in your face obnoxiously.

Overall, it's a 6 to me, but it's a neat little treat that's not to be revered necessarily, just appreciated if you can accept its flaws. It will be remaining in my library. That's my piece.

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Really Good
BodySnatcher movie
And this one is extra
Creep, how they come
at you and the strength
They possess, you ain't doing shot against them except getting got.
I've said it before
They don't make
enough of this genre,
I personally
bloody love it
and I really wish
There was more of
These movies out their.
This movie and the short it was made from are really good and rather creative for the spin they've put on their BodySnatcher Invasion.
"This is not some movie,
This is their story,
And they've already

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