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Thelma & Louise 1991

Fantastic road movie. A very human story with great performances and gorgeous cinematography.

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Unfortunately, I knew the ending to this film but actually it didn't spoil my enjoyment at all.

Geena Davis and Susan Sarandon are spell-binding. Seeing their development as characters was really meaningful.

This film has a lot to comment on regarding female empowerment, freedom, friendship, sex and relationships and I strongly, strongly recommend people watch this.

Breathtaking views and great accents also.

Oh and Brad Pitt.

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Excluding the excellent ending, the rest was quite soporific for how it was prolonged.

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There’s a special chemistry between these two wisecracking ladies that makes for a road trip like no other.

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Feminist road movie with a great ending.

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Just a movie about two girls going on a silly little roadtrip :) Slay

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Reading the comments section it seems I didn't understand the movie at all. The premise of the movie was good and started off well. I feel the entire series of unfortunate events that unfolded were causes completely by poor decision making the 2 ladies.

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I reaaaally thought this was going to be my first 5 :star: movie in a while but that third act was a little too Hollywood for my taste. I freaking love them tho :sob:

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The Good:

  • A true feminist classic, still featuring the greatest female duo ever in a film.
  • Flawless performances from Susan Sarandon and Geena Davies, who support each other impeccably and have great chemistry.
  • Great visual direction from Ridley Scott. It's not quite Alien or Blade Runner, but it comes close.
  • Beautiful cinematography.
  • It's the ultimate buddy-movie-gone-rogue script by Callie Khouri.
  • Several memorable scenes: the confrontation with the state trooper, the rape sequence, THAT ending...
  • A small, yet important and annoyingly memorable performance from a young Brad Pitt.
  • Sharp humour and great dialogue.
  • Altogether great performances from the largely male-dominated supporting characters who, deservedly, are portrayed as incompetent swines.

The Bad:

  • It does feel somewhat stretched and repetitive at times.
  • While still a great road movie and feminist feature, some of the things featured in the film feel slightly dated by today's standards.

One of the iconic buddy films of the 20th century, Thelma & Louise is a visually stunning feminist feature with great characters and an addicting plot.

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What we've got here is brilliant writing, directing and -besides awesome acting- one of the best character arcs in cinema history.

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Such a good movie.

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