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The Zone of Interest 2023

It captures horror through a horrifying everyday life, using the viewer's cinematic memory to reflect the perversion of the Holocaust off-screen. The invisible look at the daily life of a family that has achieved their aspirations as human beings, at the same time dehumanizes them, and the introduction of expressive overhead shots breaks that invisibility to show the most direct reality. The director takes risky decisions that manage to integrate perfectly, and an ending that places us directly in the horror of the denials of the reality that we constantly live.

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Quite a frustrating watch. It has this great concept of showing mundane, everyday life juxtaposed with horrifying imagery and sound hanging in the background, many reviewers have referred to it as the banality of evil. It's an inventive way of doing a Holocaust movie, but there's not much else to this. Glazer spreads the concept really thin over the 105 minute runtime, and I started to check out around the halfway mark. It's lacking in structure (no character arcs or big plot developments), every time it threatens to go somewhere it turns out to be an excuse to use the same bag of tricks. The acting and stilted cinematography are both pretty decent, but because they're both meant to serve the understated tone and nothing else, it can't fall back on those aspects. Again, if the tone is enough to carry this experimental film for you, your experience might be different. However, I became increasingly numb towards the repetitive nature, eventually feeling rather indifferent towards the experience (which is the last thing I want with a movie like this).


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The biggest strength of this film is the extreme contrast between the story of the Höss family and the story taking place on the other side of the wall. The former gets most of the attention, with the movie playing out like a slice-of-life family drama. But the latter, which exists only in the background, unspoken and off screen for most of the film, is what packs the punch. The writers leverage the knowledge that most audiences already have - we all know what was happening. And that's where the contrast is - watching a man help orchestrate one of humanity's darkest moments without any acknowledgement is disturbingly compelling. That said, this isn't my favorite kind of film, as it feels less focused on building a narrative arc and more focused on the thematic ideas. Just a little too arthouse for my tastes.

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What the fuck even happened here :sob:

Without a doubt a technical masterpiece, the sound design rivalling movies like Oppenheimer even, the camera angles, cinematography and the colors all compliment the premise of the movie beautifully.

But here's the thing: as stunning as it looks and as horrifying as it sounds. There is absolutely no direction in terms of plot or character arcs. It's like wandering off in a beautiful landscape without any sense of direction or a map. The acting is solid and it does a good job at exploring the cruelty of war, but without any narrative development. It feels like a repetitive slob making me nod off more than twice.

Beauty Will Take You Only So Far

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It's boring, that's the problem. The Zone of Interest is completely uninteresting.

Scenery, wardrobe and all of that is very well done, which infuriates me because they could have done such an interesting film if they'd had shown the funcioning of Auschwitz. In that camp there were stories worth telling. Anyways, I regret having spent money in the cinema for this one.

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This is a nearly perfect movie, from Hüller's performance, to the editing, to cinematography, production design, and I don't even need to mention sound. I'll admit it almost lost me in the middle, but there are enough memorable scenes throughout to land it firmly on the "Best Films I'll Never Watch Again" list. By keeping the truth of the holocaust just offscreen, Glazer lets the horror of that knowledge grow in the viewer's mind far more effectively than if he had put some horrible image on screen (this is Spielberg's Jaws effect). And it's that constant knowledge, juxtaposed with images of pretty flowers that so effectively creates this "Horror through Complacency," putting the viewer squarely in the shoes of the Höss family. Glazer is pointing the finger at you, at the audience, at the world, demanding "how do you live with yourself!?" He calls into question not only the actions of those involved at Auschwitz, but of humanity's actions across history, into the present. As we say every year at Passover, "If not me, who? If not now, when?"

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I like the concept of the mundane acts seen from the family throughout, it enunciates the horror of the situation.

There are some good scenes, i particularly thought the auschwitz museum scene was powerful.

I of course can’t deny that this film is artistically good and moving, but it also felt like I wasted 1hr45 minutes of my time a little bit.
For me it seemed like some things went unanswered and were just confusing, i’ll perhaps look them up to explore the plot more.
It’s a shame as this film sounded right up my street.

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Such a simple and powerful movie, I feel it will cause a lot of wine. Yes, they lived like that, this is not hyperbole, look around, many still do. Then they said that they didn’t know, some even believed it. In this boredom and everyday life, there is all the horror. When the sweet smoke over the ivy fence doesn’t interfere with life. Will there be an Oscar?

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Shout by Themanski90
BlockedParent2024-02-22T01:14:36Z— updated 2024-02-23T02:46:34Z

This is a film that focuses on the foreground but presented in a way that forces your attention to the background. The visceral details and images of Auschwitz are already imprinted in everyone's mind and compelling the viewer to call upon those on their own instead of recreating them is powerful.

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Undoubtedly a piece of art kind of movie with every frame having a special meaning. The cinematography, sets, costumes, score, sound... it's all peak cinema. The only problem is I didn't feel anything watching it. There's no real character arcs or story or even emotion (made me think of Skinamarink at times) it feels empty. The horror happening in the background thing and the scenes with the flowers are a brilliant idea. The sound is disturbing at first, sure, but I got over it after a few scenes and it doesn't have anything else to offer for the remaining runtime that's really worth experiencing except for the brilliant cinematography.

I want my four minutes of black screen at the beginning back!

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"The Zone of Interest brilliantly captures the complexities of humanity amidst the horrors of WWII, offering a haunting exploration of love, morality, and the banality of evil. With powerful performances and thought-provoking storytelling, it's a film that lingers in the mind long after the credits roll."

Masterpiece Cinema

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The Zone of Interest tells a story that is far more interesting than the pictures it displays on the screen. It is heart-wrenching to watch a family living ordinary lives while such atrocities are taking place in their backyard. The film is great, but not always entertaining.

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A very bizarre movie that is nevertheless quite effective in what it wants to show. Seeing this tranquil family life while on the other side of the wall the horrors of a Nazi concentration camp is in full swing is just stunning. Overall very well executed film that shows a different side of what we usually see in films that deal with this topic. Definitely worth a watch.

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The kind of film that will haunt you for days. It's scary to think this piece of history didn't happen all that long ago.

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Interesting but a little boring

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only complaint is the captions were small and white which made it SO difficult to read 30% of the time

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The good old times. Boring movie tho. My visit (school) in Dachau in the 90s had a bigger impact than this.

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Great movie and a good reminder for those who seem to have forgotten their past.

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Bizarre and really unsettling. Not showing anything that happens 'behind the walls' is what makes this movie stand out. It's pacing is very slow and for a large part of the movie we just watch the family going about their day, but the absurdity of precisely that is what made it work for me.

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I'm very sad to see people cannot sit through a film such as this. What is not seen is much more powerful than what is.

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Must be watched with a home theater audio system. Sound design plays a huge part in this movie. Those who say it's boring or frustrating should watch it properly.:)
The movie is on par with Oppenheimer top two movies of the year. You must see it.

I thought that this movie is, in a way, a metaphor for our wealthy life. For every moment you live in paradise, there's someone suffering in a third-world country.

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"The Zone of Interest" is deservedly gaining attention among cinephiles for its indirect approach in addressing the Holocaust. The film limits itself to painting a slice of life of the commandant of the Auschwitz camp, letting only the sound effects allude to the horrors happening beyond the fence. The characters are mostly shown through distant, clinical shots that project an almost voyeuristic allure. Character portrayals are primarily conveyed through distant, clinical shots, creating an almost voyeuristic allure. The film has no plot and is solely made of visual suggestions, perhaps aiming to explore the human capacity (or incapacity) to calibrate their sensitivity and normalize horror through mundane routines. However, despite the initial impact of its presentation, the film ends up feeling dreary and repetitive very quickly, suggesting that a short feature could have been a more suitable medium to convey the message.

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It’s really difficult to rate this movie. It’s not a compelling story that really draws you in, with definite stanzas, a setup, the main events, drawing to a climax and then a conclusion. It’s just banal uninteresting life of a standard every day family. The type of family whose neighbours would say “They’re such a kind loving happy family”.

But it IS a great art piece that achieves exactly what it set out to do. That is, to show that the real monsters in this world aren’t Hollywood styled evil masterminds cackling away behind large desks. In the real world the biggest monsters are every day mundane people. The type of family whose neighbours would say “They’re such a kind loving happy family”.

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This is the movie which will win the Oscar in the International Film category but I did not find it that amazing. The directing is the best achievement here. The story is so plain, but the movie makes it interesting, and that is because of Jonathan Glazer as the director, who works very well with his editor, but at the end, the story doesn't become more interesting or inventive, or purposeful. Maybe it is original, because of the idea of telling a simple story about a way of living that we might not have seen. The sound is a good achievement: we never see anything of what happens on the other side of the wall but we hear a lot, and that is terrifying.

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Please avoid this sh1t, nothing happen.

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The horror of being human in no uncertain terms.

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I can't understand why the script made the message more complex than necessary.

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People that expect a plot-driven film (which is going to be a lot because of the acclaim and award nominations it's getting) are going to be sorely disappointed. This is slow cinema. It's about how nazis weren't just monsters but family people.
We see so much hatred today, you wonder how these far right social media personalities and politicians can find someone who would form a family with them and keep going about their lives.

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While the cinematography is well done and the incredible sound design is haunting, this didn’t move the needle for me. Out of the 10 Oscar nominees for best picture, I’d place this last. Just felt like I was an observer of awful people, while terrible things are happening offscreen.

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I am both elated and grounded by this movie. It has such a clever way of representing a mundane, human life with the repulsive and mortifying horror of war and concentration camps. My disappointment only comes because there doesn't feel like a payoff throughout the film. It's a fraction of time during a horrific period in history, but a time when the war was ongoing, therefore no complex story arcs or "big bang" ending. Moreover, it's representation of banality is what it delivers throughout. The night scenes, the credits and the stark camera angles are what really draws its audience. Great movie, however I feel it's been done better before.

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What an unreal double bill this and 'Samsara' was! Two humanizing art experiments that I got to witness with packed audiences.

Not going to read any reviews for this cos I just know they're all gonna be pretentious as fuck lol.
Brilliant film though.
And I'm praying Mica releases the score just so I can hear that end credits track again. She might have outdone herself with that one.

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