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The Year Between 2023

I had never heard of this movie until it appeared on Peacock, but it sounded pretty interesting and right up me alley with indie films. It is an often tough to watch drama that is consistently humorous. With that being said, the humor will not work with everyone, and if it doesn't will likely turn you away from the movie as a whole. No, there isn't some big plot for this movie, but it is a nice little tale that I am more glad to have watched than not to have watched.

Rating: 3/5 - 7.5/10 - Worth Watching

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The synopsis of this movie states that a college student struggles with mental illness when her mother is struck with cancer. This is all true, but I dare say that the movie works best in another theme. While the focus of the movie is the daughter with mental illness, all three siblings struggle with the same affliction: they aren't adults. The world revolves around them, just as it does with any other teenager struggling to grow up.

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