Definitely feels like a season on fast forward but hilarious as always

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Packed finale to the epic cartoon series that does its best to wrap up select plotlines in its short runtime, skipping through major revelations & twists with little time for fanfare or weight.
That said, I'm just glad it exists.

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I went in with absolutely no expectation - and was rewarded with a great film. I desperately want Venture Bros to not be over - but if this has to be how it ends, I guess I'm a little ok with it. I do wish there had been one more season to round it out - there felt like so much more story to tell, but that has little to do with the movie.

I was SO happy to see Dr. Orpheus again after 2 + seasons of not having him in the show... He's probably my favorite, and was also happy to hear the voice of J.K Simmons as well again.

Enjoyed the story, and the part where The Monarch is in the Mech, and his limb is clown themed made me die laughing.

Would watch this over and over. Just like the show :yellow_heart:

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