I have enough depression for this year

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A very simple movie about two young and complicated teenagers trying to deal with their own life problems using a time tunnel. The time tunnel was really just a side plot to the romance, and I enjoyed the slow build-up between the two main characters.

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Quite nice, though not too original, and could be developed a bit better, perhaps with some more minutes.

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This is a terrible adaptation of an otherwise solid story, completely missing the point and failing to address the original story's shortcomings. It's not without merit: Studio CLAP did a great job bringing life to the imagery, giving scenes a particular upgrade over their LN counterparts to at least make things visually engaging. However, there's too much significant stuff cut. This did lead to the cutting of some scenes that I felt hampered the novel with inconsistent character writing, but overall, it's just too much to the point where I'd consider saying the entire narrative tone has been changed, and for the worst at that.

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I thoroughly enjoyed watching this one.

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