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The Time Machine 1960

Undoubtedly, this film is a wonderfully crafted sci-fi for its age. The care that has gone into the sets, acting and script is illustrated in a colourful and well-detailed way during the film. Throughout, it's visual effects are effective, and the thoroughness that has been implemented into both costume design and sets in this modernised age becomes appreciative. Thus, the story is finely written and provides a viewing which is comfortable and easy to follow for all viewers. I found this film very enjoyable to watch and recommend this to anyone who is both into sci-fi and classic films.

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rating 9.9

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Saw this on big bang theory and decided to check it out

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Really enjoyed this movie. It's a very faithful adaptation of the book (as far as I remember it).

Both in the book and in the movie, I really LOVE the beginning, a great way to set up the story and hear different opinions on time travel. I loved that this movie shows the World Wars. It wasn't in the book ofcourse but it makes sense to stop there and it was done very well.

The year 300.000-something itself was less interesting for me than the first half hour orso.

I don't remember that ending being in the book but in any case I like it.

Probably a masterpiece at its time, I dont love the movie as a whole but I do think it's an excellent adaptation.

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A loose adaptation of the HG Wells classic that's glaringly fifties in all the wrong ways. Weak special effects, atrocious acting and a few heavy-handed additions to the plot are just the tip of the iceberg. There's also a serious lack of science in this sci-fi endeavor; particularly bad is the scene where our narrator stops off in the middle of the Cold War, observes a tactical nuclear strike (literally annihilating buildings across the street) and strides through a few wisps of smoke back to the relative safety of his device.

Rod Taylor is fine in the leading role, strong, smart and confident, but he's just about the only player worth his salt and the rest of the cast hams it up badly. And even he can't spin gold from straw with some of this dialog. It does have moments, and there's a weird allure to Taylor's relationship with a child-minded girl of the future (who smiles blankly as he rambles on, using words she clearly doesn't understand), but too often it goes the flashy route, especially in the big climax.

There's a lot of depth and nuance in the novel, but you wouldn't know it from this take.

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A true classic, both as a book and a movie. Don´t watch the remake.

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Loved this movie when I first saw it as a kid in the 60's and The Morlocks scared the crap out of me now I just laugh how stupid they look and act. A classic though...

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