Personal Lists featuring...

The Terminal Man 1974


Movies, TV shows and episode written by Michael Crichton (1942-2007) or adapted from his work.

Short films and derivative works based only on characters or locations created by Crichton (e.g. 'Jurassic World' or the 'Westworld' show) are not part of this list.

For good measure I also included the movie "Physical Evidence" that Crichton did not write but direct.


TCM Underground is a weekly late-night cult film showcase airing on Turner Classic Movies. Developed by former TCM marketing director Eric Weber, it was originally hosted by industrial rock/heavy metal musician and independent filmmaker Rob Zombie. The movies were programmed by Eric Weber until 2007, when TCM programmer Millie De Chirico took over the role.


The decade of slow burners, atmosphere and maybe even a little bit of the occult.


Tags: #service #criterion_channel #collection-order #complete


A list of Stanley Kubrick's favorite films, from the article "Stanley Kubrick, cinephile" written by Nick Wrigley and published on the website of the British Film Institute.

In order to create the most complete and definitive list possible, Wrigley compiled all known statements and lists made by the director himself. He then interviewed Kubrick's long-time assistant and producer, Jan Harlan.

It should be noted that this is an ongoing effort - if additional reliable sources identifying specific films (rather than just filmmakers) are found, they'll be added to the master list on the BFI site.

(Updated with latest list revision 2/4/2014)



I'm trying to watch all the live action cyberpunk movies, and a selection of animated ones.


Collection of additional "must-see" Danny Perry's movies, presented in the back of his "Guide for the Film Fanatic"

546 movies missing. Imported from external source.


Collection of additional "must-see" Danny Perry's movies, presented in the back of his "Guide for the Film Fanatic"

546 movies missing. Imported from external source.


Clássicos Sci-Fi (Sci-Fi Classics) is a Versátil's collection that came with 6 genre films.


Comb your porn ’stache, put on some vinyl (records or disco boots, your choice), and smell that lead in the gasoline – we’re heading back to the Me Decade with the 100 Best 1970s Horror Movies!

The ’70s were a decade of upheaval for the genre, transforming horror into a legitimate vessel for awards recognition (The Exorcist) and the birth of the blockbuster (Jaws). The reign of Hammer gothic horror had its last gasp here (Vampire Circus), giving way to the whodunit sleaze of Italian giallo (Deep Red), American realism (Texas Chainsaw Massacre), and grindhouse (Last House on the Left). Meanwhile, legends-in-the-making made their name off horror: Steven Spielberg (Duel), Ridley Scott (Alien), David Lynch (Eraserhead), and John Carpenter (Halloween) to name a few. The only stipulation for a movie to be considered for this list was a Fresh rating, before we ranked them all by Adjusted Tomatometer.

Now that you’re keyed up, get down for some boo-gie nights as we get off on the best scary movies the 1970s offered!
