Personal Lists featuring...

The Swindle 1955


Since the 2015 TSPDT has released a companion to their greatest 1000 films, consisting of the films ranked 1001-2000. This list contains the most recent version of this list, with all the previous lists in the history.



List created and maintained by


01–18 / competition

19–33 / encounters

34–53 / berlinale special

54–88 / panorama

89–112 / berlinale shorts

113–147 / forum
148–174 / forum expanded
175–203 / forum & forum expanded. 2020 anniversary programme

204–262 / generation

263–271 / perspektive deutsches kino

272–306 / retrospective. "king vidor"
307–311 / hommage. helen mirren
312–327 / special programme. “on transmission”
328–333 / berlinale classics
334 / countdown

335–347 / berlin critics' week

348–355 / berlinale series


250 films from throughout Italy's history, 1905-2011. From the book by Roy Menarini.

Missing: I miserabili (1964)



The magazine has picked its top ten films of the year, most years. Top ten films were not picked in the years 1952-1954, 1969-1980, and in the year 2003. Rankings can be viewed in my source list URL, or via the link provided in the comments section. In some cases, films tie for a certain spot in the yearly top 10; for example, 2012's #4 spot is tied between three films (consequently, there is no #5 or #6). Some directors definitely appear to be heavily preferred by those responsible for selecting the list.

This list does not include the special "best of 1990s" and "best of 2000s" decade lists, though most of those twenty films are included here. (The exceptions are David Lynch's TV show Twin Peaks on the 1990s list, and Gus Van Sant's Elephant, Abdellatif Kechiche's The Secret of the Grain, and Steven Spielberg's War of the Worlds on the 2000s decade list.)

Other anomalies:
The TV show "24" tied for the #10 spot in 2002, along with Gus Van Sant's Gerry. Gerry also tied for #6 on the 2004 list.

A TV episode "Travolta et moi" (dir. Patricia Mazuy) from the show "Tous les garçons et les filles de leur âge..." was selected as #6 in 1994. Claire Denis' episode "US Go Home" from the same series rated #9 in 1994.

Raul Ruiz's Les trois couronnes du matelot (Three Crowns of the Sailor) tied for #7 in 1983 and tied for #8 in 1982.

1968's #4 spot for Histoires extraordinaires is specifically for Federico Fellini's segment "Toby Damnit."

1965's #4 spot for Paris vu par... is specifically for the Jean Rouch episode.

1959's #3 spot was claimed by Eisenstein's Ivan the Terrible. Since Part II was released in 1958, it is possible that the award was for Part II, but since my sources didn't specify a part and both parts may have been shown together, I have included Parts I & II in the list.

Love it or hate it, here it is...



Todo el mejor cine de la historia


Updated Jan 2022


Cahiers du Cinéma, (Notebooks on Cinema) is a French film magazine founded in 1951. Top 10 films chosen annually by the critics of Cahiers du Cinéma.


The history of the Cahiers is related to the Cinéma history, in particular because of a generation of enthusiasts who gave birth to the Nouvelle Vague. Jean-Luc Godard, François Truffaut, Éric Rohmer, Jacques Rivette, Claude Chabrol and many others wrote their first reviews before becoming filmmakers.



A list for the Masters of Cinema releases in blu-ray format


Federico Fellini (Rimini, 20 gennaio 1920 – Roma, 31 ottobre 1993) è stato un regista e sceneggiatore italiano. È considerato universalmente uno dei più grandi ed influenti cineasti della storia del cinema mondiale. Già vincitore di quattro premi Oscar al miglior film straniero, per la sua attività da cineasta gli è stato conferito nel 1993 l'Oscar alla carriera. Vincitore due volte del Festival di Mosca (1963 e 1987), ha inoltre ricevuto la Palma d'oro al Festival di Cannes nel 1960 e il Leone d'oro alla carriera alla Mostra del Cinema di Venezia nel 1985.


The 2013 edition can be found at

Welcome to 2012's edition of the 1,000 Greatest Films. This will be the last update prior to the publication of the 'earth-shattering' Sight & Sound poll which will be unfurled later in the year. The Sight & Sound results will no doubt have a major impact on TSPDT's 1,000 Greatest Films listing. It will become the most heavily weighted poll within our calculations. Anyway, that is then, and this is now."



A complete list of the Criterion Collection including Eclipse Collection and featured films.
