Yeah I’m sorry this was instantly more impactful than any of the Matrix I’ve seen so far. The “I’m Real!” scene alone was chilling and hearttending and all too real in a way the Matrix never succeeded with me.

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This was fantastic! As soon as I realized this one was about the origin of the Matrix, I was hyped. Well, it was more about how the machines came to rule the world, but still. The animation was solid (when the shots weren’t 100% CGI), the story was really good and very well paced (I’m glad they took two parts to tell the story), and the dramatic irony paired with symbolic imagery was the icing on the cake. Everyone, both human and machine, acted so realistically, it was kind of scary. I totally accept this as the canon origin story of the world of The Matrix. I loved this one; it’s going to be tough to top that.

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