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The Sadness 2021

Eye opening horror is not for the squeamish. It's a throwback to the kind of gorefest that was prevalent in the 80s only with more wit and a little more style. I enjoyed the movie but feel guilty admitting it!

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Looks promising at the start but then it turned into somethin that feels more like the "virus" plot is being forced on to us. The sex scenes felt very unnecessary or something they had to add on to one up other plague/zombie movies so that they would be different. Other than that, the plot is very predictable, kinda knew what was gonna happen to the male and female lead. The gore was overdone for me, it was alright at first until the train part where the fat dude was stabbed and blood spewed out from him like a fountain, i know that guy's big sized but i don't think blood's gonna spew out like that even if he was stabbed at the right spot. Overall, the show wasn't too great to me but it wasn't that bad either.

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I went into this without even reading a plot synopsis and holy crap this movie is insane. Some of the actions that occur and how realistic the effects are in this film would probably make someone with a weak stomach throw up, top notch practical effects all around. It gives Evil Dead a run for it's money when it comes to the amount of blood used. I honestly can't even think of the perfect word to describe the insanity levels some moments reach. If you're not a fan of gore you honestly may wanna think twice about watching it.

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Grotesque and surreal, The Sadness comes across as a classic zombie film with a different development than usual that from the very start makes it clear that the infected are not real zombies. Good cinematography, good actors, lots of blood (even more than Tarantino) that gives the film a touch of irony, but still the classic horror movie clichés are present, and you already know where the film's ending is going.

All in all I enjoyed it, for a B-grade splatter movie I expected worse.


P.S. : The best scene is the old man fucking the girl in the eye

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I find it crazy to find a sense of humour out of these gore fest movies. It’s not a bad film, some good effects and all cast did well getting covered in blood, definitely up there in the top sickest films, too much for the eyes at times. I was disappointed in the ending, could of been better.

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It's release day! I've been waiting to see this and talk about a wild fucking ride! This is a chaotic, demented, at times comical infection horror film that delivers exactly what it promises. Sure, the virus/outbreak genre has been done to literal death and this one doesn’t offer any new twists, but the boundary crossing amount of violence and gore make it an entertaining thrill ride. There's hardly a moment goes by when you have even the slightest chance to get bored. It's not a zombie film, though. The virus turns people into sadistic, violent, sex-addicted maniacs. The graphic brutality and depraved images are insane. The heat and discomfort just radiate off the screen and create a tense and dirty film that is incredibly hard to watch. It becomes increasingly unpleasant once the of violence are repeatedly mixed with rape. The effects are simply fantastic, as is the score. It's now on Shudder, go watch it.

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wow what a splatterfest. i heard this one is very bloody but i still got surprised. its a cool and modern movie with really a lot of gore. the story lacks a bit, but still enjoyable for everyone who likes it red.

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Got pleasantly surprised by how good this was. If you like grotesque movies that have to do with a ‘zombie’ outbreak and a good plot, this movie is definitely for you.

I really loved it!

I was really sad to learn that our male lead had turned somewhere along the way to find his girl. My guess is that he got infected on the basketball court when he helped that man get beat up by those guys. Or it happened due to what the virologist said, that if you wander around with infected tissue and/or blood on you, you’ll eventually mutate into those things.

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A pretty good take on the pandemic/zombie genre. I also liked how they explained how the virus is creating the zombies.

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also—highly recommend watching mista gg's breakdown of the movie. he makes a good argument for one of the ways the ambiguous ending could be interpreted!

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absolutely grotesque and i loved it. the amount of blood in this movie was hysterical. worth the watch if you like gore, body horror, and evil dead vibes. for those looking to avoid it, there's some sexual violence shown on-screen. i don't really think tasteful is the right word to describe the content, but it's handled... appropriately? at least within the movie genre and context. basically it didn't affect my ability to enjoy watching the film (which i can't say for every horror film i've seen involving sexual violence)

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Lots of gore and pretty fast pacing keeps you watching although it was missing character depth. Fun watch.

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I've seen gory movies before, but this is so, so, so, SO, gory and brutal.

The infected maniacs in this movie are freaking scary. They are not brain-dead zombies, but fully aware and often crafty creatures that you can talk to.

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Like a frog in a blender, it's loud and gory at the beginning but then quiets down and is less chunky at the end.

The first two acts go super hard and are a lot of fun for fans of the genre, but the third act is so well-behaved it feels anti climatic. Still, if you like your zombie movies like your British expletives (bloody), this is worth a watch.

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Goes from 0-60 pretty quickly and doesn't let up all that often. Solid entry for genre fans. A lot of shock gore/rape stuff though that isn't my jam. 6.3 overall.

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Wasn't as bad as I thought. This isn't salo or irreversible or serbian film level depravity. You could see this movie with your friends and have a laugh at the end because of the over the top depravity and violence.

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g o r e f e s t

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a carbon copy of the comic crossed.

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