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The Ruins 2008

Absolutely weird and creepy

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Watched it randomly when it came on the TV, I actually enjoyed it

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oddly enough, this is one horror genre film that i actually laughed during.

The creepy plot starts out pretty solid, group of people go to an ancient ruin to find a random dudes brother and misadventure ensues.

I went into this thinking that the armed natives were going to slowly kill them all one by one but it took a completely different turn.....when the girls were down in yhe temple and the flower was making all the noise that sounded like a cell phone and then attacked them, I laughed out loud for real. The vines in their wounds were bizarre too, I didn't see that coming. I think I was either expecting ghosts or being picked off for being trespassers on sacred land.

the amputation scene was crazy, I had to fast forward through it

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I personally enjoyed this movie for what it was. Great “B” movie with some good blood and guts scenes, but also not over board on the blood and guts. If you want something light hearted, and a little creepy for a Friday or Saturday night, than this would be a good one.

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I like the book better but honestly this wasn’t a bad adaptation!

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This is definitely not an advertisement encouraging you to vacation in Mexico. ;) A bit of inconsistency, but it could have been worse, it's watchable.

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Entertaining enough, good body horror, decent acting. The plot was interesting and at times hilarious. I probably wouldn’t watch it again, but I don’t regret that I did.

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i love watching tourists get destroyed by things other than what's actually dangerous and unsafe to travelers out around the globe. also, jonathan tucker and shawn ashmore deserve more roles or at least i deserve to see them more thank u hollywood

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Shout by Tom

This with horror is perhaps not about how some carnivorous flower eats people from within it is a creation of an absolute idiot rather with a child's imagination, as a normal adult individual cannot create this. And I don't understand the comments here, it's super horror and stuff. They probably haven't seen a real horror yet, the horror is supposed to cause freezing in the back, fear, etc. which this film does not have at all and the only reason why I rated 4 points is the nature or the jungle, otherwise the rating would be significantly lower. Rather than horror, it was a slightly harsher adventure film. Horror movies are my favorite genre, but this had little to do with horror except for the blood.

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pretty dumb and the ending kinda sucked

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Solid horror movie. It builds the tension well enough, that when the gory effects come they're that much more effective.

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Shout by J G

Ladies and gentlemen, I bring to you...Killer singing orchids in a Mayan temple!! wtf?

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It was nice actually and a bit weird

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After going through the motions of many films like this involving stranding a group of teens in the middle of nowhere, this is a film that stands or falls on whether you buy into the unique, yet ridiculous premise at its heart. To the filmmakers and the actors credit, they do a credible job of creating tension and ensure that the characters' response to the threat is believable within the context of the film. This certainly helps to build the sense of helplessness and dread as the film progresses, but ultimately the film is always working to overcome a scenario that is just as likely to induce laughter as well as fear. Still enjoyable enough to watch though.

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