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The Road 2009

Left me feeling totally depressed - really, really great movie, great performances from both leads, the kid is just perfect, just as well as Viggo.
If I had seen this one three years ago I'd might feel a bit different, but after having a kid of my own it changes perspectives and makes you connect with things you wouldn't connect being on your own.

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A "once in a life" must see.
The power of love of a father towards his son moves them in a story that calls for strength, survival, memories, hope and belief that in a dying world, humanity and innocence inside a child means so little and yet so much.
We are left to believe, that as humans we mean more than the body we carry. We are what we believe!

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What a complete waste of time.

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Good story... lots of things to think about.
But that boy is irritating.

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the vibe wow the athmosphere wow viggo wow. best apocalyptic movie ive seen in a really long time

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Final decision, I don’t want to survive in a post apocalyptic world

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Great movie! The most realistic presentation of what could happen after a nuclear war. Very depressive story but very well made movie.

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Shout by Deleted

Totally not worth your time or money.

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The Road is a gripping dystopian film that leans heavily into the drama genre, offering a poignant and emotional journey. While the pacing is on the slower side, this deliberate tempo allows the bleak, desolate world to sink in and underscores the depth of the father-son relationship at its core. Though it might not be for those seeking fast-paced action, The Road excels in its atmospheric storytelling and profound emotional impact, making it a worthwhile watch for fans of dramatic, thought-provoking cinema.

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Just a Test comentary test comentary test

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Tough and depressing but so well made and great excecuted.Mortensen's pefomance was more than great for once again.7.5/10 it also makes you think which is great for every movie which achieve that.

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Incredibly depressing but an interesting film. A bit let down that the apocalypse in this movie is kind of a movie magic apocalypse and not a realistic one but the story is more about the people/journey than the apocalypse itself.

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I simply loved it. it's one of those few movies which lives up to the art of movie making. there's so much good in this movie inspite of nothing good inside the movie. that's a pun. It's definitely a recommended watch. Don't miss out on this one if you're reading this.

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Seriously dour, depressing movie. Some great performances and transformations from the two leads, with a haunting score to make it even more nihilistic. But there is a sliver of hope to be had in this post apocalyptic survival film.

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It is very depressing on the whole, and not exactly what I would recommend as a 'first-date' movie. However, it's good depressing, and equally the best adaptation of the book possible while a tremendous, original vision for the casual movie-goer.

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Well this was the most boring 2 hours of my life. The first hour consist of nothing but flash backs every 3 minutes, followed by the present, then another flash back, then a continuation of the first flash back etc etc. The second hour is better, there are no flash backs, but it is still incredibly dull with nothing going on. There was maybe 10 minutes of the movie in which I thought "this isn't bad", the rest was painfully dull. I suppose it's a lot more realistic compared to any other apocalyptic movie or TV series, but this makes it very very boring and not worth the watch at all. Maybe the book's better, though it doesn't have much to beat compared to this.

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Shout by Deleted

Inspiradora, reflexiva y agobiante. Plantea comportamientos "humanos" desde perspectivas extremas, que se hacen verosímiles.

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This is possibly the most depressing movie I have ever seen. You have been warned.

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the best line is: what would you do in a world, where is nothin' to eat? nothin! No grass, no animals and even no bugs.

this is the hardest movie i have ever seen - even harder than Hostel. Viggo and the lillte Kodi are just incredible good playing actors.

great "no-good-feel"-movie.

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Very depressing yet beatiful movie.

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It reminds me "Fallout" (videogame) so I like it

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