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The Requin 2022

I never did like Alicia's voice. It's Like hearing a cat scratch on a glass door to me when she screams.

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Yea this one was rough. The premise itself is good, but the execution (effects and acting) just was not. As someone that loves shark movies, this is admittedly short on sharks. There’s so many other movies out there that share similarities that are simply better. Watch those.

Rating: 0.5/5 - 3/10 - Hard Skip

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Hello, I'm the idiot who read these comments and watched it anyway. Don't be like me, save yourself 90mins.

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Every minute of this film is a waste of time. Terrible acting combined outrageously nonsensical plot. To say that it's "utterly terrible" is still to me an understatement.

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This is not a shark movie show, its a shit show.
Bad acting, bad script, bad cgi

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Worst movie i have ever seen (and i seen a lot), how the fck did they release this?

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i think this is the worst movie of the year.
Alicia acting: horrendous
CGi: extreme Bad (seriously who make this? an Elementary student on class?)
plot: no sense

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I read these reviews and still watched it because I thought they don't make movies that bad.

I was wrong, so wrong...

... just like this film.

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Awful. No redeeming qualities. Alicia Silverstone’s acting is hammier than Clueless and not in a good way. The rest of the forgettable cast is just as bad. Do NOT watch this. You have been warned.

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What a bad 1 hour and 30 minutes of movie. Jaws movies from years years years ago where and still are way better.

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Oh, my Gosh! I thought it was going to be a make a while. That's a big big call.

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Wow, this was beyond bad.

In this day and age, CGI should never be this bad. Did they find a beginner class and give them the job because it was insanely bad looking.

Alicia, I'm sorry but no. Just no.

If you like to torture yourself by watching bad movies, by all means go ahead. But don't expect to be happy once you come out of this thing.

Horrendous CGI
Terrible acting
Dumb as shit characters

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Quite possibly the most frustrating shark attack film I’ve ever seen. This was so hard to get through. It's more of a laughably awful survival thriller with a tiny bit of shark attack. The marital drama fills the most runtime, the thing is, the acting is so intolerably bad making it almost unwatchable. If you think Alicia Silverstone can act, this film will prove you wrong. So bizarre that it feels like it's her untalented clone getting casted. The shark attacks are barely in this thing. I'm fine with bad CGI sharks but they don't even show up until around an hour mark. I normally can tolerate bad shark films because the terribleness can be somewhat entertaining but this one is just not fun at all. Don't bother.

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I put this movie in the category of movies that have good potential to be great and dis not deliver. The story is all over the place, with a trauma that no body understand bc there's no clue of what really happened. She spent the entire movie being historical and yelling. This was not good at all.

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How are you gonna call it a shark movie when the sharks don't come in until 75% of the way through?

The acting and bad special effects ruined this one way before I saw a dorsal fin. I've been binge watching shark movies for the past week and this is by far one of the worst ones I've seen yet.

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I didn't think this was as terrible as other commenters said, but it wasn't amazing either. It was just your typical "someone gets lost at sea and is attacked by sharks" movie.

It had all the standard tropes these kind of movies have. Disaster strikes, trying to survive without drinkable water, dumb mistakes, blood in the water attracting sharks, multiple shark attacks, getting help only to make more dumb mistakes so the help isn't successful, fighting sharks etc. I think despsite the shark attacks, it was less of a shark attack movie and more of a survival movie imo.

I also think it tried to be something, with the early part of the story about what happened in the bathtub, but it didn't really deliver on that which was a shame.

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I think this is the worst shark movie I've ever watched in my entire life, lol.

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this was horrendously awful and honestly just exhausting to witness. do yourself a favor and skip it.

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The most amount of shark you will see in this movie is the poster. You will have to endure, bad acting melodrama to even catch a glimpse of the shark. Don't bother!

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I thought that the trailer looked kinda fun and so I wasted 0,99€ on this pile of crap and oh boy, do I regret this. Everything about this movie is bad. Really everything. And don't make me talk about that final battle...It makes me wanna apologize to every shark that has ever existed.
Please don't watch this!

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this is so bad I actually enjoyed it. horrible cgi and acting but I too wouldn't care if I was an actor filming in this gorgeous location

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