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The Relic 1997

Considering it's 25 years old, the special effects for the monster are pretty solid. That said, this is a very silly film; entertaining but in a very mindless way. You'll probably enjoy this if you like a straightforward plot and a high, grisly kill count.

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They have nice displays in this museum. :) Average as for the movie released in the 90's.

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Catching up before it's leaving Hulu. Fairly decent creature feature packed with some great suspenseful moments, it's a shame that 85% of this film is poorly lit. I couldn't fucking see what was going on. I think the direction is pretty solid and it's filmed at the museum, which is an awesome location for this type of film. The performances from the cast fall into the so bad it's good category, it also has cool looking creature design, nice amount of gore, and high kill count. It just visually looks too dark and drab, that prevents me from enjoying it. The creature is revealed a bit too close to the finale and it runs too long for the story it had, there are moments when I thought it's about to end but there's still 30 minutes left.

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I read the book and saw this when it first came out, and it is still a good thriller/action/monster movie. Worth your time. Warning a little dark on the lighting sometimes.

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I remember watching and loving this movie when i was younger but was a little apprehensive re watching it now that I am older as quite a few monster movies don't hold up years later. But found myself still enjoying it as much. Sure the acting is a little hokey but otherwise I enjoyed it

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Awesome little monster movie. I have no idea how this wasn't bigger when it came out. It's a cool concept, with a different kind of monster in a claustrophobic setting. Impressive effects for when it came out.

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