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The One 2001

Anything with Jet Li in it is worth watching, IMO. This one - although it's fun to watch - does seem a bit cheesy, and I agree with some other reviews that the other cops are total morons. So much of this movie made absolutely no sense but it was still fun to watch, and the ending was great. Some highly exaggerated special effects, yes, but there were some great fight scenes as well...especially the one where Jet Li fights himself. The dual conclusions were just icing on the cake. I would add this one to my Jet Li collection and watch it again. :smile:

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AWESOME IDEA! loved it soo much

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"There has never been anything greater than what I have become."

Cheesy, graphics haven't aged well, and the soundtrack is hilariously good. This fits right around the time it came out and Jet Li has some good stunt scenes as usual, but it is not near as badass I remember it being when I was a kid. The ending is awesome though.

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One of my faves! There should be more on this, perhaps even a tv show!

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It’s Jet Li vs. Jet Li in The One. When an outlaw attempts to gain godlike powers by killing off other versions of himself throughout different universes to absorb their energy, two agents are sent to capture him before he can become the One. Co-starring Jason Statham, Carla Gugino, and Delroy Lindo, the cast is pretty good. However, there are some issues with the special effects; which have trouble visualizing the powers of the characters. And while the science fiction elements are quite interesting, they’re not really explored in much depth. Still, the fight choreography is impressive and exciting. Light on story but heavy on action, The One is a solidly entertaining film.

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This film was awesome; it has action, fantasy, and martial arts.

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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The end scene with the sparks raining down is epic. “I am the One!”

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A reminder of the great action movies of the early 2000s. The music, the car chases, the wire work. the futristic weapons, the rubbish writing. All made watchable by including some Jet Li, arguably at his most popular.

The final fight scene is actually pretty impressive - awesome choreography, Jet Li vs Jet Li, mixed in with some wirework (love it or hate it), slow motion and explosions

I doubt any other actor could have made this watchable

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such a goofy ahh soundtrack

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This could have been a cheesy sci-fi great, and it does have its moments. Very interesting concept. Some good actors doing their best, especially Carla Guigino doing her patriarchy-poking "girl stuff." Some nice action set pieces. It loses at least a couple stars for the bizarre use of unfitting pop-rock music inserts, especially "The Sickness" by Disturbed. A little too corny plus some dated CGI keep it in the land of mediocrity. It was an FX weekend movie for 11 years for a reason.

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