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The Night 2021

There are some very good moments in this suspenseful horror but it's overly confusing at times.

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Creation of a terrifying environment around a relationship crisis has already been seen in films such as "Vargtimmen" (Ingmar Bergman, 1968), of which there are similarities. The director knows how to handle the suspense and ghostly images that haunt this couple, although the development is empty. It is when the hidden secrets are discovered that the story is diluted. Expectation is more interesting than revelation.

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Suspenseful Iranian psychological horror thriller. It starts out really solid with intriguing drama in its core. I usually don't like very dark settings dominating the whole film where I can barely see anything. It comes off as very cheap but it works quite well in this film. It creates chilling atmosphere combined with those eerie sound, such an unsettling experience. The performances are also incredible. It's all perfect until it reaches final act. I appreciate what the filmmaker's trying to go for but that last moments feels unnecessary. It starts to feel longer than it needed, gets dumber, nonsensical, and slower with no clear direction towards the end and the final conclusion leaves me unsatisfied. Should've ended it at the kitchen scene.

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