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The Munsters 2022

What was Rob Zombies agent thinking when they let Rob sign onto this? According to imdb Zombie is a fan of the original show: you wouldn't think it watching this wreck. The story is so slow, and uninteresting. I am so used to lazy writing from Hollywood but this is on another level, even for a reboot this is shockingly bad. The bad writing coupled with the awful overacting makes this almost unwatchable. I know, I know, the TV show was over acted but this would make that show cringe.
I've been a fan of zombies work (music and film) for years, not all of it great but the bar has fallen so low on this project it could be career killer for him (think Schumacher's batman). I'm so glad I didn't waste money paying to see this.

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Nearly unwatchable. Not my type of reboot at all.

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Sorry Mr. Zombie, but please don't make a sequel.

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The actors watched the show and then did poor imitations of the original characters…Sheri / Lily is just awful. “Well, all I need to do is hold my hands up and pause intermittently when I talk”….the most shallow interpretation of Yvonne De Carlo’s performance as Lily. Ugh.
Coming from Rob Zombie (a super fan of the Munsters) I expected better.

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It's the worst version of The Munsters I've ever seen :person_facepalming_tone1:♂ overacting :thumbsdown_tone2:.

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Just really really terrible I mean stinker

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Very well done. If you grew up watching this show then you will definitely find it satisfying and nostalgic. I hope more are made and I would even watch a streaming series if one was made. Well done Rob Zombie!

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I had high hopes because I really like his other movies I just never realized that he wasn't funny until I watched this. I liked the show growing up and this is spot on as far as the look and feel goes, even better than the original show but the writing sucks. I guess they can't all be winners but a good effort.

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I really can not recommend this one - sorry. It's not exactly horrible, but it's also not good. Not good at all. It's overdone. It's weird. It's too Rob Zombie. And it's overacted.

The one and only thing I actually did like was the story - how Herman and Lily met.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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This was painfully slow. I think i never saw the original Munters show (maybe one or two times, tops), and i'm guessing that much of the overacting and silly jokes emulate the series; but seeing them in 2022 doesn't suit that well. I felt it like the kind of movie that maybe would have been a banger in the 50's, but today it felt terrible. The only think i liked was Sheri, that as always, has that charm that makes her look great whatever she is wearing. Maybe for fans of the original show it will be ok; but for the rest of us; it's a solid No!.

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From Rob Zombie comes the ultraviolent, exploitation…errr goofball family comedy The Munsters. A prequel of sorts to the ‘60s television series, the film follows a reanimated Frankenstein Monster type creature named Herman who falls in love with a vampire. Zombie assembles his usual troupe of actors (Sheri Moon Zombie, Jeff Daniel Phillips, etc.) and has them give really cheesy broad performances in the style of a ’60 sitcom. And the comedy too is ‘60s sitcom humor with pauses for laughter and looks to the audience; which is probably meant to be campy but doesn’t work. Also, Zombie does some strange things with animated backgrounds and exaggerated coloring that are extremely jarring. An incredibly bizarre and off-putting film, The Munsters does a poor job at adapting this classic television show.

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The movie was difficult to finish. I fell asleep while watching it and had to rewatch parts of it. Ive been trying to put my finger on why I didn't care for it. I think one of the reason was the original tv show treated the characters with respect. Yes, Herman was an oaf but he loved his family and made decisions with that as an anchor. The movie portrayed him not only as an oaf but also self indulgent. His actions were inconsistent with what I would expect from him. So I had a hard time finding a character to really root for. If you compare this to the "Adams Family" or "Wednesday" shows theres a certain earnest quality to those shows that "The Munsters" movie lacked.

Visually the movie felt like it was shot with a high quality consumer level video camera. The picture was too crisp and didn't have that polished look that I would expect from this sort of remake. It looks a lot like the production level as "What we do in the dark".

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Just when I thought Rob Zombie couldn't make more awful movies, he tried to reboot the munsters. Also, Sheri has never been a decent actress. Just because she's your wife doesn't mean she deserves the leading role in everything. I knew this was a disaster when I heard about it. Doesn't do the show any justice. :wastebasket::poop::clown:

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Pure schlocky goodness made with both respect to the source material and time period it was produced. Without Al Lewis and Fred Gwynne it is impossible to recreate the magic of the original show but I think the movie comes as close as you can get while still staying true to the original show.

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A colorful, gleeful, endlessly entertaining PG comedy horror brimming with charm. I've tried watching the original show and lasted only one episode. I went into it basically without any expectations and it turns out to be quite enjoyable. This film is obviously not perfect but it's so charming and impossibly difficult to dislike. The look and feel of it is like watching a very long sitcom. Filled with fun, over-the-top characters and vibrant sets and costumes. It definitely feels way longer than it needs to be and not every joke lands, but it's such an incredible feast of eye candy that I barely minded how overlong it is. It's one of those films where you can see right through the passion of the filmmakers. Gotta respect the effort made into the insanely detailed production design.

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they killed a mime

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Well the movie is at least canon as it pertains to the acting ability of all involved. Otherwise the story is a mashup of all "Munsters" episodes with a little Frankenstein thrown in. So no much of a story, more a string of prop comedy skits. But if you expected well formed high brow entertainment with this title, you might have a whole different set of issues. The movie is fine, given what it is. Bad in all aspects of the word, but fine for what it is.

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It's a Rob Zombie movie, it had everything you expect from him and brought the prequel as promised.
I'm not sure what kind of expectations some of the commenters on here have but they can't have seen RZ's movies before or even be aware of what The Munsters were all about, more than one clown even complained about overacting ... I mean c'mon, what is wrong with people.
I give this movie a solid 6, if you take in all the available info (without spoiling it for yourself) you shouldn't fall into any preconceived idea's of nostalgia and enjoy the movie for what it is.

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