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The Mountain Between Us 2017

No drama + no chemistry + no romance = empty movie.

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I wish this was more of a survival movie than a romance. I thought the beginning was very interesting. The plane scene was shot very well, made to look like one long take. Some really beautiful landscapes. Idris and Kate had chemistry but when they start to flirt it is a little awkward.

I didn't really like any part after they got off the mountain. I thought it was unnecessary after the hospital. It would of had so much more impact if they just left it at that instead of them ending up together.

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Only worth it for the dog

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The script is not good. Something is missing in this movie. It could be more interesting, more excited. They had two powerful actors but thanks to crude script (and shooting) we couldn't get many moment to see their talent.

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The whole airplane crash and mountain survival bit was ok, there was though no chemistry between them and the romance felt very forced. The ending was a typical "happy ending", could have been better

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Movie would be better called, "Where's the dog?"

Wish someone had told me I was signing up for a shallow romance movie, rather than a gripping survival story.

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So does Alex have a little chocolate muffin the oven or not?

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Unfortunately the movie did nothing to redeem my negative thoughts about Kate Winslet’s acting.

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Not everyone might like this movie, but I think this type of movies puts your life in perspective if you are able to reflect on it. It made think of how I would react in a survival situation, how I should be grateful for the convenient things in my life, how It's good to wait sometimes because forcing things may have disastrous consequences but also how to take action in certain situations and be brave instead of just staying in the comfort zone.
The dog was a really nice character in this film and I enjoyed every minute of it.

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I like ‘Lost” eyes references

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At least the dog gave an excellent performance.

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Film 126 (Goal: 300) of 2024:

Pretty decent film that fluctuates between a 6 and 7 star rating. The film is ultimately anchored by it's two leads. Without them this would fall apart very quickly. But there's times where it also drags significantly. The majority of the last 30 minutes feels like it could have been achieved in 10 minutes. That aside though it's a decent watch.

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I wasn't in this for the story. That was pretty much written all over it in capital letters from the beginning. It's frankly one of the most predictable movies I've ever seen. You can pretty much jump right from the crash to the end of the movie and would have no problem. It was also too long. It goes around in circles and yet never gets really thrilling. You never get the feeling of the danger they're in. What made me watch this through the end were Kate, who I like a lot, and the at times beautiful nature scenery.

So unless you're a massive fan of either one of the actors you can easily skip this in my opinion as you can watch the scenery in a dokumentation anyway.

I'm giving this a generous "6". but it's more of a high "5"

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I read the book of this before watching the movie and found the book to be ok. However I feel like this film made it worse. My problems with the book were all present here as I had issues with the story being in original and the romance between the two lead characters. The film however chose the wrong two people to play these characters, don't get me wrong I love Kate Winslet and Idris Elba but were they right for this film? I'm unsure. The film struggles to keep it's pacing and add an element of excitement that I feel is pivotal to a movie of this nature.

This is a movie that isn't an edge of your seat but more one that you might put on in the background or watch on a lazy Sunday cause it happens to be on the telly. I'm happy I watched it but I don't think I'll return to it or recommend it to anyone else.

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Give that dog an Oscar, it's a true survivor.

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If they would use the same scenes but make a entire new dub with less awful dialogs this could score 8/10.

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¡Es increíble!, quiero decir, hay cosas que no puedo creerme, se necesita muy mala suerte para... abordar una avioneta con el piloto con peor salud, sentarse en un lago congelado, pisar una trampa de oso, caer por una pendiente; o muy buena suerte como para no morir en el accidente, no infectarse las heridas, tener un perro a prueba de pumas, encontrar una cabaña abandonada o no morir de hipotermia. Pero es entretenida, no es pretenciosa, tiene a Idris Elba y Kate Winslet. Tiene sustos, drama, romance, un perrito, acción. Está bien, no es la gran cosa, pero tampoco es vomitiva.

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Enjoyable for the most part, but its when the ice turns to slush that the film becomes a little problematic. Still, Winslet has conquered lovestruck icebergs in the past, and its her presence here that makes the peaks and troughs of this snowy romance palatable.

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I gave it a 5 for lack of better visuals. It was a bit boring and slightly unrealistic, but the actors are cool.

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Well the dog made it tolerable

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Something like "Alive", but without cannibalism. ;)

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Romance buds in this survival film, and while what they go through may be a bit far fetched, the performances are strong enough to convince you. It entertained me enough.

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I really liked this movie. I liked how it started, I did not expect the movie to be what it actually was (I expected more of an action packed movie), I liked the chemistry between the actors, the alternation between dependency and mistrust, the conflicts arrising due to the differences in character.

In the middle I was a bit disappointing I loved the idea of both of them learning to accept the other, and their perks as they get to know each other better - but I wouldn't have needed the love story and sex scene - not at that point of the movie, as this takes away a lot of the ending.

The end however, I mostly loved. Especially the ending of Kate Winslets character, her being disconnected to everything that used to be her life, but also Idris Elba withdrawing himself - I get that and I loved how they showed it. The end was a bit cheesy though...

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-12-27T00:50:51Z started interesting like survival and turns into sexy time in the mountains. I guess if you gonna die might as well go out in with a bang

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Idris Elba and Kate Winslet? Already a good movie. Add two good cameo performances (Beau Bridges and Dermot Mulroney) + a good story line (two people, a dog, a big, hungry cat and a mountain) + convincing peril (air crash in the middle of endless. majestic, uninhabited wilderness, with 90% chance of death) + Hollywood's present climate (that doesn't mind killing off their leads) = one really good movie. I give it a 7.5 (really good) out of 10.

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The editing destroys parts of this of this movie, for instance, Alex (Kate Winslet) and Ben (Idris Elba) get together and have sex in a cabin they found. However, during the lovemaking scene the editing inner cuts later scenes where they were walking as more of a couple now. After they made love, there is a fake drama where Ben asks Alex to wait in the cabin. However, thanks to the later scenes cut from lovemaking scenes this entry event are so anti-climatic since you as the viewer already know that Alex is going to go with Ben anyways.

Last 20 mintures, of the movie, is very anti-climatic as while since you already know that the Alex and Ben will ultimately get together in the end and live happily ever after. This movie is so formulaic, could they not just be friends, after surviving their walking from the top of the mountain, it would have been different than the same old tried formulaic plot.

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